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Caldwell County
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Mayfield at Caldwell County 10/28
Who wins and why?
Mayfield 35
Caldwell 13
Mayfield by 17
Mayfield - 42
Caldwell County - 14
Mayfield wins, Mayfield's total team defense has allowed 5 points a game, first string only 3 pts a game. Caldwell will be their biggest passing team to date but they have faced some good qbs in the Tilghman game and the Murray game so I don't look for it to be much more of a challenge, especially since Murray beat Caldwell 21-6 and Mayfield beat Murray very handily 35-7.
Two years ago, Caldwell Co. upset Mayfield 14-10 in a deluge on a waterlogged field. Mayfield fans went to the game carrying signs saying 'trick or treat, we cant be beat.'
Caldwell did lose to Murray but had 9 turnovers and drove the ball inside Murray territory on numerous drives. I think Calswell wins if they play Murray again. Murray had almost no offense production all night and I think I recall the defense scoring 1 of the TD's off a turnover.

Tica you are correct about 09, our last regular season loss and only loss ever in a monsoone. Caldwell also upset Mayfield in 85 and Mayfield went on to win state as well as being runner up in 09 so maybe a loss to the Tigers in Princeton would not be as bad a thing as one thinks. That daid, Mayfield by 28
Mayfield- 42
Caldwell Co- 7

Mayfield=Champions 1A
Mayfield by 2 scores or more.
Mayfield wins by 3 TD's
Mayfield by 14+
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Being a proud former Caldwell County Tiger and a true fan, I am glad to see Caldwell schedule such tough competition to get them ready for the 2A playoffs. Mayfield is a very strong team, and will rank up there with the strong Franklin-Simpson team we saw earlier in the year as the toughest opponents of the season, so far. I pray that nobody on either side gets hurt and that the Lord unleashes a unholy cloudburst that makes 09 look like a
light sprinkle. :welcome:Confusednicker:
That being said, I see the Cards winning by 14 on a clear night, but should we be blessed with a cloudburst of Biblical proportions the Tigers by 9!

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