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Osama Bin Laden is Dead!
Stardust Wrote:^ vundy, I was wondering where you were at. I knew you would be quite pleased with thsi operation

Oh yeah man, for sure. I've been celebrating and a bit busy. Things are crazy on my post, and pretty much every decent-sized U.S. military installation on earth is just happy. It's hard to explain, it's like in a split-second, morale jumped soooo much. Not that our morale was low before this, which is a HUGE misconception in the media and regular Americans. Senators and reporters talk about us like we're stretched to our very limit and our morale's been diminished from two wars for 7+ years...Yeah, it's sucked, it's sucked badly, but our morale has always been high and will stay high. The majority of Infantry soldiers, including myself, infantry Marines, and any and every other MOS, combat or non-combat, don't fight for freedom and the USA and all that stuff, just do our jobs because we asked for it, and we do it for our pretty-much brothers and because frankly, ****, I enjoy guns, and I don't mind a bit to go after every single Taliban or AQ or anyone else that wants to kill my buddies and I, and you and our families. You feel me?

No, morale hasn't been low, we've been taking it to the enemy good and hard in Afghan for the last 3 years or so....but man, it was just like "aaaahhhhhhhh, finalllly".

We should all be proud of our Special Operations guys, from SEALs to SF to MARSOC to Air Force PJ's and Combat Controllers. These dudes are true professionals, and they, the CIA and all of our other intel agencies, from the White House to the pilots sittin' down in Osama's front yard, they did what roughly 1.8 million Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen couldn't do and what approximately 6,020 died trying to do.

Don't look at the politics. Use this time to be proud of your country and your military, whatever it's faults. And if you see a veteran or current member of the military out somewhere, stop and thank them. No matter what some people think of doing that, it's a good thing to do, and it just makes whoever you thank feel good and let's them know that at least the entire country hasn't forgotten about us and this war. Thank the older guys, Vietnam vets and that time-frame. They got treated like dirt for the most part when they came home, and they've had it so much worse than we do today. Shake their hand, I do.

If you can't tell, I am **** proud. I've been thinking about my two cousins that died at the WTC on 9/11, a few friends that's passed, and everything wrong with my body, all because of one man. I've been waiting and wondering what this day would be like for years..and it's finally here. Thank God.
zaga_fan Wrote:I never have and never will rejoice for the death of anyone.
I would much rather have had this man turn from his evil ways and continue to live a life that glorifies prison of course.
However, I am not naive enough to believe that this man wasn't so far off the beaten path that he simply was going to continue his terrorist ways as he has done for so many years.

I instead choose to never forget the events that unfolded on 9-11-2001 and applaud our military for taking steps to make sure that this never happens again. We are from a country that gives us more freedom than any other country on the planet and we have a military that allows it to stay that way. For that I am very grateful and thank God that I'm an American.

Normally I would agree with you that we shouldn't celebrate the death of a human. But he was no human. Furthermore, if we had taken him alive and put him in prison, just how long do you think it would have been before someone or a group was taken hostage with the demand of his release? I know we say we don't negotiate with terrorists, but many more people would die with this supporters continually trying to bargain for the release of that pig.
vundy33 Wrote:Oh yeah man, for sure. I've been celebrating and a bit busy. Things are crazy on my post, and pretty much every decent-sized U.S. military installation on earth is just happy. It's hard to explain, it's like in a split-second, morale jumped soooo much. Not that our morale was low before this, which is a HUGE misconception in the media and regular Americans. Senators and reporters talk about us like we're stretched to our very limit and our morale's been diminished from two wars for 7+ years...Yeah, it's sucked, it's sucked badly, but our morale has always been high and will stay high. The majority of Infantry soldiers, including myself, infantry Marines, and any and every other MOS, combat or non-combat, don't fight for freedom and the USA and all that stuff, just do our jobs because we asked for it, and we do it for our pretty-much brothers and because frankly, ****, I enjoy guns, and I don't mind a bit to go after every single Taliban or AQ or anyone else that wants to kill my buddies and I, and you and our families. You feel me?

No, morale hasn't been low, we've been taking it to the enemy good and hard in Afghan for the last 3 years or so....but man, it was just like "aaaahhhhhhhh, finalllly".

We should all be proud of our Special Operations guys, from SEALs to SF to MARSOC to Air Force PJ's and Combat Controllers. These dudes are true professionals, and they, the CIA and all of our other intel agencies, from the White House to the pilots sittin' down in Osama's front yard, they did what roughly 1.8 million Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, and Airmen couldn't do and what approximately 6,020 died trying to do.

Don't look at the politics. Use this time to be proud of your country and your military, whatever it's faults. And if you see a veteran or current member of the military out somewhere, stop and thank them. No matter what some people think of doing that, it's a good thing to do, and it just makes whoever you thank feel good and let's them know that at least the entire country hasn't forgotten about us and this war. Thank the older guys, Vietnam vets and that time-frame. They got treated like dirt for the most part when they came home, and they've had it so much worse than we do today. Shake their hand, I do.

If you can't tell, I am **** proud. I've been thinking about my two cousins that died at the WTC on 9/11, a few friends that's passed, and everything wrong with my body, all because of one man. I've been waiting and wondering what this day would be like for years..and it's finally here. Thank God.

Great Post Man! :Thumbs:
outdoorsman43 Wrote:In Barrack Obama's statement last night, he said that Bin Loden was "not a Muslim, but was a terrorist." What does he think a terrorist is? Osama Bin Loden was not only a Muslim, but was a hardcore all out Muslim. I'm glad he approved the campaign to get this job done, but that statement last night just made himself look like a fool.

But not all Muslims are terrorist. He might have been dis associating him with non terrorist, peaceful Muslims.
TheRealVille Wrote:But not all Muslims are terrorist. He might have been dis associating him with non terrorist, peaceful Muslims.

But it seems that all terrorist are Muslims.
Old School Wrote:But it seems that all terrorist are Muslims.
You are exaggerating, Old School. I doubt that Muslims comprise any more than 95 percent of the world's terrorists. 99 percent tops. :biggrin:

Seriously, what troubles me more than the fact than nearly all terrorists are Muslims is the tens of millions (a conservative estimate) of Muslims in this world who support sharia law and terrorist organizations like Hamas. In most countries, these people represent a minority of the Muslim population but the sheer number of Muslims who support what most of us consider very extreme positions should concern every freedom loving American.
^ Now that is funny - LOL
TheRealVille Wrote:But not all Muslims are terrorist. He might have been dis associating him with non terrorist, peaceful Muslims.

Yep. Can't say a guy's NOT a Muslim, they give him a Muslim burial.
I equate that with saying Westboro's menbers aren't Christian... they think they are, according to what they believe, but the majority of other C's don't see it that way.

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