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Will Ethan Johnson have a good senior year?
I think Ethan could if he has a team to play with, because he has the talent to do it he just needs some role players to step in and do a little something
i think he will....he has the talent.... he just needs to be the leader and help his team..... GOOD LUCK ETHAN AND THE RAIDERS....
I think he will have a great senior year for the raiders and just like drainthattrey said he will need some role players to step in and help him out alittle...
i agree with what drainthetrey say but he's gon have to be the leader next year an really step up cuz he will be the star player up there next yr
i think ethan will have a great year next year because he is just a junior this year and already...from what iv watched...has a great season going on and it aint over yet
If he gets his head straight he will be the best in the 15th.
i think he will be the best player in the region next year by far
I hope to see the young man play good next year
I think that Ethan Johnson will have a pretty good year next season, he'll have to step up and be the leader of his team. Hes the only player next year that, actually gonna have any experience of varsity.
"basketballstar" Wrote:I think that Ethan Johnson will have a pretty good year next season, he'll have to step up and be the leader of his team. Hes the only player next year that, actually gonna have any experience of varsity.
Yea he is the only one with experience which may hurt the raiders next year with really no one returing that has any experience....
Ethan is a very good player, and even without a supporting cast he will have a great senior season.
Could be true Blackcat. We'll all just have to wait and see.
Will Ethan Johnson have a good senior year? I think that ethan will have a good senior year becouse he is a good player and he knows what to do when he gits the ball
Ethan will have a dominate senior year he is haveing a pretty good year so far..........
His biggest adjustment next year will be that other teams know there is no one out there to help as much as this year. Their defenses will key on him exclusively and this can be very frustrating, because everywhere you turn, somebody is waiting on you. He is extremely athletic and will be able to create his own shot, which is a bonus. Keep your head up, play hard, who knows SF may have a player or two step-up next year and have big seasons- I just haven't seen that possibility in the JV games I've seen this year.
I've only seen South Floyd play a few times this year and its like everytime I watch this boy shows up to play. Ethan has a lot of talent and could likey be the player of the 58th his senior year.
He will have a good senior year if not great, he has unlimited talent on the floor and plays hard every game.

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