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Street in Prestonsburg gets blocked off for Car on fire
After I left class this morning I was driving downtown and noticed a cloud of smoke. I looked and across the road from Red Light Diner was a van on fire. The woman parked her van on the car started running, cops were taking fire extinguishers to the car. Well I drove around again taking the backstreets and when I came back the fire department had came and they blocked off the road trying to put out the flames.
Very interesting
A car on fire in Prestonsburg is an interesting morning?
For and 15th use to get bored before class and would drive around hoping to catch, now I'm all alone though Sad...It was pretty cool though
Hopefully no one was injured.
No they were all outside the car. Just the engine part was on fire.
Hahaha...The woman started running...That's pretty funny
I looked over and she was running as fast as she could away from would too though.
I don't blame her....I would run too :yikes:
I've seen a lot of cars on fire during break lol.. too bad I won't get to see them with you this semester... The best one was the one by your house at the gas station. A van had an engine fire and the guy ran inside to find something to put it out.. while he was in there a van swooped in and a pretty big woman in spandex jumped out and put out the fire with a 2 liter of sprite then drove off... it was pretty cool lol
Yea, we do a lot of things on break...This was fire didn't have anything happen like that one
i must have missed this

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