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Who keeps the stats for Belfry, and are they right?
I am a statistics nut, and I have a problem with some of the stats turned in for Belfry. I know for a fact that Thomas Varney had more than 119 rushing yards against Letcher Central. We had him for right at 185 at the end of the game, and I even watched the tape and on three runs alone he had around 125-130, and about 180 for the game. He had a run of 62 for a touchdown that was penalized, but he still got some of that yardage. On the KHSAA website, it has 292 yards for the Whitley County game on 13 carries. I also had him with 13 carries, but i had him for 317 yards. I am usually within 5 yards either way. I haven't watched the film on this game, and if I am wrong, then I'm wrong. Also, on the KHSAA site, it has Thomas for 5 rushing TDs against the Colonels, and he had 6, plus the 95-yard kickoff return for a TD. My theory is that if you are going to keep stats, then keep them right. There is no way you can have a 60-70 yard difference in stats in one game.
If there is such a big discrepancy in the stats, then Coach Haywood needs to be made aware of the problem. I'm sure he doesn't know...
belfry forever Wrote:If there is such a big discrepancy in the stats, then Coach Haywood needs to be made aware of the problem. I'm sure he doesn't know...
You are correct. We will ask some of the coaches if they realize this may be a problem.
Bringing it to light and getting to the bottom of the problem needs to be addressed! WHY take something away from this young man who busts his XXX every game (with the help of the line/team) to pick up a win for the Pirates! IMHO, if the girls are watching the game and doing the stats, they need to pay attention to the game and watch to see exactly what is going on. They don't need to be directly where the team is, maybe somewhere close but not where they can be distracted!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
While you guys are at it make sure that they submit stats from Doug and Dave's career, as well as the team rushing stats from 2003 and 2004. Those are all numbers which wil make the all-time KHSAA records lists.
It may not seem like a big deal, but Thomas is actually in the discussion for Mr. Football and stats DO MATTER.
Taking 60-70 yards and a touchdown away from a player is a HUGE deal!

I am not a Belfry fan but Varney is unbelievable! He could be Mr. Football one day, stats are UNBELIEVABLY important in any awards race
I'm a stat guy, too, just because I like to play with numbers. But when is the last time a guy has won the award strictly on statistics? To answer my own question, maybe last year when the kid from Lone Oak won it, but honestly he can play the game. We in EKY don't like to admit it, but the Mr. Football choice is usually given to the right guy. The top 5 itself may not be all that accurate, but it is what it is.

As far as Belfry stats being right/wrong. They've never been accurate, and usually to the short side of the player, but its not that big of a deal. Coach Haywood teaches the kids that character, discipline, comraderie, and winning are important.

Individual stats are for individual sports...I just like winning games.

Almost forgot...bucslover68. I wouldn't want to speak for anyone, but I'd be willing to bet that you could easily be the guy to correctly fill the stat sheets out if you wanted to do it. And I'm saying that based on what you and I spoke of thru PMs earlier.
BoondockSaint Wrote:I'm a stat guy, too, just because I like to play with numbers. But when is the last time a guy has won the award strictly on statistics? To answer my own question, maybe last year when the kid from Lone Oak won it, but honestly he can play the game. We in EKY don't like to admit it, but the Mr. Football choice is usually given to the right guy. The top 5 itself may not be all that accurate, but it is what it is.

As far as Belfry stats being right/wrong. They've never been accurate, and usually to the short side of the player, but its not that big of a deal. Coach Haywood teaches the kids that character, discipline, comraderie, and winning are important.

Individual stats are for individual sports...I just like winning games.

Almost forgot...bucslover68. I wouldn't want to speak for anyone, but I'd be willing to bet that you could easily be the guy to correctly fill the stat sheets out if you wanted to do it. And I'm saying that based on what you and I spoke of thru PMs earlier.

No doubt, I will take wins any day and we have had a bunch of them lately. I like the team first philosophy because that wins championships. I just want numbers to be right if they are going to keep them. If they didn't keep them at all, I would have no problem with it.
I think the time has come to have a person in the booth, or the stands, using a computerized stat program, doing the official stats for the games. The stat girls on the sidelines is a tradition dating back to the **** Roddy days and maybe before that, but we are in the electronic age and its time to move forward.

I think there would be enough responsible Belfry fans with computer savvy who could use a laptop or even PDA to enter the stats as the game progresses. Surely we could find one such somebody with the ability and desire to help out. Heck, they could take a couple of stat girls with them to spot for them.

These programs used today are remarkable, incredibly easy to navigate, and accurate to the letter (or the yard), and most importantly, they spit out detailed stats instantly after the game ends that can be faxed, emailed or called in immediately to the media outlets..
Buc-a-roo Wrote:I think the time has come to have a person in the booth, or the stands, using a computerized stat program, doing the official stats for the games. The stat girls on the sidelines is a tradition dating back to the **** Roddy days and maybe before that, but we are in the electronic age and its time to move forward.

I think there would be enough responsible Belfry fans with computer savvy who could use a laptop or even PDA to enter the stats as the game progresses. Surely we could find one such somebody with the ability and desire to help out. Heck, they could take a couple of stat girls with them to spot for them.

These programs used today are remarkable, incredibly easy to navigate, and accurate to the letter (or the yard), and most importantly, they spit out detailed stats instantly after the game ends that can be faxed, emailed or called in immediately to the media outlets..

I could not agree with you more. Belfry has some of the most knowledgeable fans and it would be easier to do it electronically than it is to write it down and then call them in to the various outlets.
I neglected to say that the stat girls, I'm sure are doing the best they can with the resources they have. They are volunteers who put in their own time to do this and they are responsible for their own travel, etc., unless times have changed. And for that they are to be commended and the deserve a big thank you.

I mean no disrespect to them, I just think there is a better way than having 3 or 4 different people doing this job while roaming the sidelines.
I doubt the school would purchase the software/hardware to take on this project, but there is probably a booster who might. Or maybe the boosters club or the group who raised money for the turf, etc.

I think buclover has opened up a can of worms here.
I agree. This needs to be done correctly.This could mean the difference between a child getting a college education and not.
I listened to this game on the radio and Varney did have 6 rushing TD's and a KO return as well.
To add to what everyone has said I think the new statistics software would be beneficial for the coaching staff as well. I don't see Haywood using it Big Grin but, the younger assistants would have a field day looking over trends in play calling, success of plays in terms of yards, and breakdown of individual drives.

The stat girls work hard but it is time to upgrade and modernize. Russell has been using the electronic stat system for a few years and it is a valuable resource and very accurate.
I watched the Whitley County game last night, and Varney had 317 yards on 13 carries. These are the exact numbers I had when I watched it live. This is 25 yards less than what has ben turned in to the KHSAA. Also, who knows if the other 3 games are correct. Between the LCC and Whitley games, I have fouund about 85 yards that Thomas has not been given credit for. He should be around 945 for the year if the other games are right.
Thomas Varney has a heart shaped like a football. He should be credit where he deserves it...
Buc-a-roo Wrote:They are volunteers who put in their own time to do this and they are responsible for their own travel, etc., unless times have changed.

My neice is one of them, yes you are correct, they are volunteers and they have to provide their own transportation to the games.

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