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Will Anyone Be Able To Beat Shelby Valley In 15th Region?
I was not able to see or hear the games last year but very curious about:

Jan 18th SV 67 Pikeville 52 Win by 15

Jan 25th SV 51 Pikeville 62 Loss by 11

Feb 1st SV 72 Pikeville 48 Win by 24

Was Justice hurt, early fowl trouble, sick, or did he not play in the second game on Jan 25th?
TheRealVille Wrote:I thought you were taking a shot at how weak Paintsville is this year, not being able to slip up on them. Actually the team I was referring to was an "unstoppable" girls team, but the same thing happened to Paintsville boys the same year. If Paintsville was picked to win the boys 2 years ago and didn't, that should make you realize that the favorite CAN get knocked out.

Strange things happen in high school basketball. Any team can be beat, no matter how much better they are supposed to be. Two years ago, Valley was almost upset by Betsy Layne in the 1st round of Region. One bad night is all it takes for any good team to be beat.
I was not able to see or hear the games last year but very curious about:

Jan 18th SV 67 Pikeville 52 Win by 15

Jan 25th SV 51 Pikeville 62 Loss by 11

Feb 1st SV 72 Pikeville 48 Win by 24

Was Justice hurt, early foul trouble, sick, or did he not play in the second game on Jan 25th?
dortonite Wrote:I was not able to see or hear the games last year but very curious about:

Jan 18th SV 67 Pikeville 52 Win by 15

Jan 25th SV 51 Pikeville 62 Loss by 11

Feb 1st SV 72 Pikeville 48 Win by 24

Was Justice hurt, early foul trouble, sick, or did he not play in the second game on Jan 25th?

The officiating was very questionable in the second game. The All A will now be held at the Expo, and I'd say this game may have been one of the reasons.
dortonite Wrote:I was not able to see or hear the games last year but very curious about:

Jan 18th SV 67 Pikeville 52 Win by 15

Jan 25th SV 51 Pikeville 62 Loss by 11

Feb 1st SV 72 Pikeville 48 Win by 24

Was Justice hurt, early foul trouble, sick, or did he not play in the second game on Jan 25th?

Elisha played. Valley didn't play well and Pikeville played great defense. Pikeville seemed to want it a little more also.
When JC comes together and sees the talent they have and what they are capable of doing they can and will beat SV. Just give them some time. It's still early. & when they make it the region's they will be the one going to state
lc or jc will give the best running
Mr. Cross-over Wrote:When JC comes together and sees the talent they have and what they are capable of doing they can and will beat SV. Just give them some time. It's still early. & when they make it the region's they will be the one going to state

Thats a bold statement, especially when SV is returning pretty much the same team who went to state in '07, and took Paintsville to 2 overtimes last year. I know anything can happen but I dont see JC beating Shelby Valley.
Anyone can beat anyone on any giving night. No matter how good a team is or not. There might be a night that one team can't make nothing and the other team hit everthing.
Without a helthy Elisha Justice, SV is vulnerable, especially to a guard-oriented team. They would still be the favorite, but are no means the shoo-in they would otherwise be.

I think if Justice does not get back to full strength, we will see SV drop a game in the 15th this year. Maybe in a road game, maybe in the All-A, maybe in the post-season, but it will most likely happen at some point.

Of course, a healthy Justice makes all this a moot discussion...

Watched them play Friday against the blackcats. They are unstoppable.
Mr. Cross-over Wrote:When JC comes together and sees the talent they have and what they are capable of doing they can and will beat SV. Just give them some time. It's still early. & when they make it the region's they will be the one going to state

Great post. From what I have heard and seen everything that SV does go through Justice. You play him up close and with several people to give fouls. JC has the athletes to limit Justice, and from what I have seen and heard, SV is very beatable with Justice limited.

JC has not played up to thier potential and it is getting time. SV will be very hard to beat, but JC has the horses to beat them if they play, but they need to come forward pretty quick. JC will get a look in the regular season to prepare for a region rematch. Even with JC'S athletes, SV will be hard to beat, JC will have to have a great night we have not seen.
Ranger519 Wrote:Watched them play Friday against the blackcats. They are unstoppable.

Its good to see you cheer on and support your team, but, they are stoppable. The right team will come along and have an exceptional night and SV will not be able to do anything about it. All teams are suseptible to a loss, at anytime. Just don't get your hopes up too high by saying they are unstoppable, otherwise the loss will seem worse and your disappointment great. I'm not an SV fan or even in the 15th and I'm not trying to take any accomplishment away from SV, just trying to offer some friendly advice.
JC or LC can possibly beat SV if playing well. BUT my vote would be JC if anyone.
boogieman Wrote:Its good to see you cheer on and support your team, but, they are stoppable.

Pretty sure Ranger519 is a Pburg fan, not SV...
Ranger519 Wrote:Watched them play Friday against the blackcats. They are unstoppable.

If they go undefeated the rest of the year and win the All "A" crown along with the Sweet 16 then I would say you predicted it first, but that's a bold statement.
I Think Lawrence Co. Could Give Them A Run For It.
jmoore75 Wrote:I Think Lawrence Co. Could Give Them A Run For It.

We'll find out on Feb 10th...
I, know that SV is powerful, but ive watched pikeville play, and ive watched East ridge play out of the 15th, imo pikeville doesnt have what it takes to play against valley i watched them and east ridge play one another, and it wasnt that great of a game but neither team looked as though they had what it takes to even play with valley for 4 quarters, but you also have to remember when tournament time comes the regular season means nothing... its who wants it more and who is willing to fight for it, and ive seen the upsets through the years, SO if SV is wanting to prove something they need to take it one at a time and not over look an under dog ....
MonsterMan Wrote:Great post. From what I have heard and seen everything that SV does go through Justice. You play him up close and with several people to give fouls. JC has the athletes to limit Justice, and from what I have seen and heard, SV is very beatable with Justice limited.

JC has not played up to thier potential and it is getting time. SV will be very hard to beat, but JC has the horses to beat them if they play, but they need to come forward pretty quick. JC will get a look in the regular season to prepare for a region rematch. Even with JC'S athletes, SV will be hard to beat, JC will have to have a great night we have not seen.

First off, let me say that I agree that SV can be beat, even within the region. But it would take a below-average game on their part to drop a game to another team in the 15th. If it did happen, JC would be the most likely beneficiary.

I do disagree somewhat with your assessment, though. You are correct that SV is very beatable with Justice limited. All 4 of their losses this year came in the 6 games immediately after the injury, the first 3 in which he did not play at all, and the next 3 he played very little. So there is a definite dropoff without him. But I disagree that JC has the players to limit Justice. To be honest, the only times he has been held in check all year was when he was injured. If JC concentrates too much on trying to slow him down, the other Valley players are all solid and should be able to get the job done. Just having Justice on the court and healthy means so much to this team.

SV is the best in the region by far...but anything can happen come tournament time. Go Cats.
More Cowbell Wrote:First off, let me say that I agree that SV can be beat, even within the region. But it would take a below-average game on their part to drop a game to another team in the 15th. If it did happen, JC would be the most likely beneficiary.

I do disagree somewhat with your assessment, though. You are correct that SV is very beatable with Justice limited. All 4 of their losses this year came in the 6 games immediately after the injury, the first 3 in which he did not play at all, and the next 3 he played very little. So there is a definite dropoff without him. But I disagree that JC has the players to limit Justice. To be honest, the only times he has been held in check all year was when he was injured. If JC concentrates too much on trying to slow him down, the other Valley players are all solid and should be able to get the job done. Just having Justice on the court and healthy means so much to this team.

It is hard to argue with your statements. SV is a very solid, sound and fundamanetal team. Thier one weakness is they are not as athletic and quick as some of the other teams. JC has the size, quickness and depth to play with SV, but they are not as sound fundamantally and they have still not come togather as a team but are close. JC will get a look at SV at thier place during the regualr season so they will know what they have to do come region time. If SV has a weak game and JC is on tract SV is very beatable. Again there is alot of ifs.
MonsterMan Wrote:It is hard to argue with your statements. SV is a very solid, sound and fundamanetal team. Thier one weakness is they are not as athletic and quick as some of the other teams. JC has the size, quickness and depth to play with SV, but they are not as sound fundamantally and they have still not come togather as a team but are close. JC will get a look at SV at thier place during the regualr season so they will know what they have to do come region time. If SV has a weak game and JC is on tract SV is very beatable. Again there is alot of ifs.

I'll go along with that statement. It certainly is possible.

If JC does beat Valley, it won't be because they shut down Justice, because I don't think they can. But if his teamamtes have below-average games, SV could still lose no matter what Justice does.

I truly believe ( unless a freak of nature happens) Shelby Valley will be the team in Rupp come March from the 15th Region. I know that rankings can truly be deceiving but sometimes Dave Cantrall does know what he is doing. With that said look in Lexington Herald every week and notice the large descrepency in the 15th Region between 1st place and 2nd place. There are a couple other Regions in the same boat but it usually varies between 10 to sometimes 15 entire points. Valley has put alot of their starters on the floor in years past as young players and they seem to be comfortable in tournament settings.
No, Valley goes undefeated in region play
Valley is streaky.When their in the zone, other teams playing the Valley game .Nobody, but their ain't a horse that can't be rode and a man that can't be throwed.....any team can get in a zone if Valley is not in.And beat them.Time will tell.

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