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Paintsville Tiger Softball
The Lady Tigers seem to be having a rough season with a five wins and seven or eight losses. IMO if the young Lady Tiger team keeps it up they could be a force to reckon with in the up coming years (if they could ever manage to get a decent place to play.) How do you think the Tigers will do during the remainder of their season. I think who wins all depends on who shows up to play.
That is true, Paintsville do need a place of their own to play at ,bad. You know all of those younger girls are out there trying their hardest and with all of their talent that they have somehow they always end up coming up with a loss when it should of been a win. They just have to believe in their selves and NOT FALL IN CENTER FIELD AND SIT THERE AND CRY ABOUT IT! But besides that I mean these girls are young and still have a lot of time infront of them and I can't wait to see what will happen for them in the future.
You can't make it far if your inconsistant with your game. The potential is there but the inconsistancy will cause them to get beaten out. Take the girls varsity for example, excellent talent and potential, but the incosistancy caused them to lose. It depends which team shows up. But, the good team that they are doesn't show up every game, so i guess it just depends if it's their day or not. If it's not there day then they will get blown away..but on the other hand if it is they will be a threat.
Confessions you're right Paintsville does have ALOT of potential but sometimes I think their main problem is they aren't focused and the pshyce themselves out before games. Like Monday night at Johnson Central they came thinkking they could win... knowing they would but after the second inning they just went to pieces. All the girls need to focus on is improving the little things. The little things that lose ball games. They'll get better as time progresses. Good Luck girls. Idea
This is a very young team.


A 7th grader has started over 8 games, filling in very good for injured players.

Russell is the top shortstop in the region as a freshman. She is hitting over .500, has a good glove, a rocket arm, has great speed, over 5 inside-the-park homers, has hit 1 homer out, has over 15 doubles, and is carrying a team that has now won 7 of its last 8 games.

PHS beat Betsy Layne 10-0 in 5 innings on the road last night. Emily LeMaster pitched a 2 hitter and struck out 8. Russell hit for the cycle with left field gapper for a double in the first, a single between short and third, a triple down the right field line, and then a shot over the right center field fence.
Oh, another thing about Russell's speed, she has gone from 1st to 3rd on passed balls no less than 10 times this year. I've seen her hit ground balls through the infield to the outfield and stretch it to a double, with no ERRORS.

This girl can scat or scoot or whatever you want to call it.
good luck

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