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Pikeville 57 - Prestonsburg 55
Congrats Pikeville on what sounded like a hard fought game.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
close fought game congrats pikeville
Both these teams looked like mid season in the first qt. P'burg made 7-9 threes in the first half. Pikeville seemed to be in better shape down the stretch. I believe both these teams will do well this year. Pikeville plays so hard and continued to fight back even when they got down by 9. Both had a lot of fouls, but they played hard on def.......
Big shots by Patrick Keene to tie it and Taylor Ratliff to win it. Pikeville will be very deep once they regain Clark, Baker, and Evans. They played very hard and never gave up. Wes Rowe played very solid down low for Pikeville.
This game came down to the final shot. Congrats Pikeville.

A couple of obsevations. Neither team is very good. Pikeville can't shoot worth anything and Prestonsburg just fouls everybody. If not for Burchett, Tackett, and Tincher, Prestonsburg wouldn't win a game. I don't know if it's because of football just ending, but these football players, with the exception of Burchett, just seemed to get in the way of Prestonsburg tonight. And you would think, with Seth Setser and Austin Gearheart in the paint, that Prestonsburg would own the boards. Well, that wasn't the case. Prestonsburg got out rebounded all night long. Other than the 3 above that I mentioned, there is no one on this team to score. If I had to say so myself, this is probably the least athletic team Prestonsburg has had in quite some time. But, it is early in the year, and I'm sure Pack will have these guys playing better.

Complaint number 2. It has been about 3 years since I have watched a high school basketball game. Haven't really had the time to make it out and watch anyone play. But, it seems to me that the officiating has gotten 10X worse than it was when I played from 00-03; and that is saying something because the officials then were horrible. Neither team was able to get anything going offensively or defensively thanks to the officiating. What would be a foul at one point in the game, all of a sudden was no longer a foul. What was a walk at one point in the game, was no longer a walk. There was no consistency whatsoever from this group of officials. And I'm not complaining from Prestonsburg's side either. It was equally as bad for Pikeville as well. Prestonsburg had 2 or 3 people foul out and same went for Pikeville. Prestonsburg had around 4 or 5 with 4 fouls in the 3rd quarter. With their lack of depth, they can't continue to put themselves in this situation towards the end of games.

All in all, it was a pretty good game and I hope to catch more this year if time permits.
Congrats to Pikeville on a good win on the road...Agree with earlier statements both teams did play well. Prestonsburg really shot the ball well.

Pikeville despite a poor shooting performance, hung around and found a way to win on a night that Clevinger struggled from the field.

P.O.G. (IMO) Devin Burchett...played solid on both ends of the floor and the Rowe kid banged around with the big boys from Prestonsburg..

Both teams will be very solid come March.
Prestonsburg shot thier self in the foot many time sin this game. They went 11-28 from the free throw line and had some bad passes down the stretch. all in all it was a hard fought game by both teams. Both will be very good later in the season.

This was a great game. Too bad the Cats couldn't pull it out but congrats Pikeville. Lets get it together Cats.
I didn't think the Panthers had enough depth to survive on the road this early with all the injuries and such. Good win! Sounds like they have a bunch of scrappers! Radio was complimentary of both teams.
Really enjoyed watching this game tonight. Pburg really hurt themselves tonight with all the missed free throws and turnovers. The football players need to get all the aggressiveness out of them because each football player (other than Burchett) really had a lot of fouls. Steven Patrick getting into foul trouble really hurt Pburg also because he is just so athletic and is a really good rebounder.

When Pburg builds team chemistry with all the football players and when they start boxing out and controlling the boards then there should be no excuse for why they shouldn't win district or even be one of the top teams in the region.

Congrats Panthers!
pburgcatfan65 Wrote:Prestonsburg shot thier self in the foot many time sin this game. They went 11-28 from the free throw line and had some bad passes down the stretch. all in all it was a hard fought game by both teams. Both will be very good later in the season.


I agree 110% PHS lost this game by missing key free throws and the press in the later part of the game forced TO's and gave Pikeville a chance to win late in the game. But it was just the first game and those problems can be fixed at least they better if the Cats plan on winning the district.
whoever thought setser got in the way wasn't watching the game. Yes he missed shots but he played as hard as anyone out there and thought that he contributed nicely. I'm sure if Jack Pack thought he couldn't play then he wouldn't. I was very excited with what i saw tonight for a team that has been together for a week. Prestonsburg will win the 58th. Mark this OldTymer's words.
Congrats Pikeville! ...Sound Like a good one!
BCF4L Wrote:This game came down to the final shot. Congrats Pikeville.

A couple of obsevations. Neither team is very good. Pikeville can't shoot worth anything and Prestonsburg just fouls everybody. If not for Burchett, Tackett, and Tincher, Prestonsburg wouldn't win a game. I don't know if it's because of football just ending, but these football players, with the exception of Burchett, just seemed to get in the way of Prestonsburg tonight. And you would think, with Seth Setser and Austin Gearheart in the paint, that Prestonsburg would own the boards. Well, that wasn't the case. Prestonsburg got out rebounded all night long. Other than the 3 above that I mentioned, there is no one on this team to score. If I had to say so myself, this is probably the least athletic team Prestonsburg has had in quite some time. But, it is early in the year, and I'm sure Pack will have these guys playing better.

Complaint number 2. It has been about 3 years since I have watched a high school basketball game. Haven't really had the time to make it out and watch anyone play. But, it seems to me that the officiating has gotten 10X worse than it was when I played from 00-03; and that is saying something because the officials then were horrible. Neither team was able to get anything going offensively or defensively thanks to the officiating. What would be a foul at one point in the game, all of a sudden was no longer a foul. What was a walk at one point in the game, was no longer a walk. There was no consistency whatsoever from this group of officials. And I'm not complaining from Prestonsburg's side either. It was equally as bad for Pikeville as well. Prestonsburg had 2 or 3 people foul out and same went for Pikeville. Prestonsburg had around 4 or 5 with 4 fouls in the 3rd quarter. With their lack of depth, they can't continue to put themselves in this situation towards the end of games.

All in all, it was a pretty good game and I hope to catch more this year if time permits.

From our count, the rebounding was pretty even with Prestonsburg having an edge for most the night. Michael Burchett was a board shy of a double/double but in no way would I say our numbers are "official".

I would agree with the officiating comments. It was rough both ways. Yet this the "1st" week of the season so I would give them a pass, along with players and announcers trying to get into the groove again.

Pburg shot the ball well early. One thing that has always blown my mind about Jack Pack is that his team can be making a run (get a bucket, a turnover and convert another quick bucket - the crowd into it) and then call a timeout, which allows his reeling opponent to gather themselves. I've never understood that, but maybe that's why I'm not coaching.

Hopefully Steven Patrick can learn to control his enthusiasm throughout the season. Just a little over-reactive getting into foul trouble with a couple calls that he could've avoided, but that will come with more experience. He looks to be a special player. Pburg is right in hunt for a wide-open 58th district this season without a doubt.

Pikeville was impressive just in the fact that they played hard and hung in all night despite missing Evans, Baker and Clark. I was impressed with Rowe in the paint - he didn't over play his position, just simply got the job done and picked up some garbage points. Clevenger carried the team despite not shooting the best, but he hit his free throws. Burchett gave a gutty effort. And if this team is going to have any kind of success, more guys like Burchett, Rowe, Ratliff, Keene have to step up and knock down some shots. And keep the game uptempo. The scoring is still down and Pikeville needs a transition game to pick up easy buckets, gets their confidence going on the offensive side.

Great to see Taylor Ratliff come off the bench, give quality minutes and then knock down the GW bucket.

Good luck to both teams!!
Congrats to the Pikeville Panthers...Glad to see some of the younger players from Pikeville step it up...This will be a learning season for the Panthers due to the youth...This team could make some noise come March...
Congrats Pikeville. Keep working hard P-Burg
Complaint number 2. It has been about 3 years since I have watched a high school basketball game. Haven't really had the time to make it out and watch anyone play. But, it seems to me that the officiating has gotten 10X worse than it was when I played from 00-03; and that is saying something because the officials then were horrible. Neither team was able to get anything going offensively or defensively thanks to the officiating. What would be a foul at one point in the game, all of a sudden was no longer a foul. What was a walk at one point in the game, was no longer a walk. There was no consistency whatsoever from this group of officials. And I'm not complaining from Prestonsburg's side either. It was equally as bad for Pikeville as well. Prestonsburg had 2 or 3 people foul out and same went for Pikeville. Prestonsburg had around 4 or 5 with 4 fouls in the 3rd quarter. With their lack of depth, they can't continue to put themselves in this situation towards the end of games.

All in all, it was a pretty good game and I hope to catch more this year if time permits.

Sounds to me like if your not going to any games and you want to get involved. The 15 region needs someone like you to step up and help with the officating. You can contact the the 15 region association. They need your help. You can be someone that can make a difference. If it was that bad in 03 maybe in 08-09 it can get better.
Congrats Pikeville
man this was a hard fought game
If Prestonsburg shoots even 50% from the line they would have won this game. I know at one point they were 4 for 13. Don't know the final stats though. I think Prestonsburg is going to be pretty good. Burchett, Tackett and Alex Stumbo (who really impressed me shooting the ball and with his hustle) all three can knock down the 3 and Steven Patrick is going to be a terror on the Defensive end once he learns how to play a little bit smarter. I thought there was just a different feel to ball game. Something that has been missing for a few years and thats the energy that coach Pack brings to the table. As someone who has a family on the team I am really glad to see Jack back on the boys sideline.
I agree with the officiating, but it is what it is. We need more that know the game to step up and learn how to call.... To say neither team is very good is just not a true statement. This is not college or pro. It is High School kids doing their best to represent their schools. Both teams played their hearts out... 1st qt. was very impressive... And although they both got tired they continued to play hard and leave it all on the floor. Hats off to both teams..
Congrats to Pikeville on a close win
I agree with what everyone is saying, but i think personally Prestonsburg is in much better shape than last year
Free BAlla 14 Wrote:I agree with what everyone is saying, but i think personally Prestonsburg is in much better shape than last year

not physical shape, but in coaching terms
Clevenger had 23pts hope he struggles like that all year
jive75 Wrote:Clevenger had 23pts hope he struggles like that all year
why you you wish struggling on a hard working, talented individual such as clevinger?
Also, despite poor shooting, 23 points on top of a W is hardly a struggle.
Even though Prestonsburg didn't win this should tell you that the 58th isn't as weak as people think. They play Pikeville tough then Be;sty Lane beats East Ridge tonight. Looks like Floyd County schools may put up more of a fight than people think this year.
jolly rancher Wrote:Even though Prestonsburg didn't win this should tell you that the 58th isn't as weak as people think. They play Pikeville tough then Be;sty Lane beats East Ridge tonight. Looks like Floyd County schools may put up more of a fight than people think this year.

Exactly i agree. Alot of people are saying the 58th is weak but if they are consistantly playing other teams in other districts and beat and play them tough how can you call them weak?

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