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Pikeville Loses Starting Guard
jetpilot Wrote:Star? Not even close, yet. Could be some day if he learns to take "unwarranted verbal attacks" from coaches, lol.

I agree, you can't quit because your coach is verbally attacking you. That's apart of the game. If the verbal attacks have been going on all season, different story then. Still coaches go on like that all the time, not bashing the kid but if he can't take some harsh words all of sudden then he shouldn't be playing ball.
MANoWAR Wrote:I agree, you can't quit because your coach is verbally attacking you. That's apart of the game. If the verbal attacks have been going on all season, different story then. Still coaches go on like that all the time, not bashing the kid but if he can't take some harsh words all of sudden then he shouldn't be playing ball.
Maybe I am just "old school", but when did a coach chewing out a player become a "verbal attack"???
FOX SPORTS Wrote:Maybe I am just "old school", but when did a coach chewing out a player become a "verbal attack"???

In these times ,you have to now be "politically correct" in how you say things, FOX SPORTS.Big Grin
Mr.Kimball Wrote:In these times ,you have to now be "politically correct" in how you say things, FOX SPORTS.Big Grin

Give me a break! I agree with Fox Sports. Someone should define "verbal attack".
SpyDa Wrote:Give me a break! I agree with Fox Sports. Someone should define "verbal attack".
Dont get your web all in a wad there "spiderman". I was agreeing with FOX SPORTS. Ever hear of sarcasm?
Thats the problem with sports today here is someone who is far from being the best player on his team but because someone yelled at him and hurt his feelings or his ego he quits the team. All i can say is if you truly love the game and u made a commitment to the team then u stick it out till the end but he will probably be back b4 the next game he just wants attention like too many players these days. Just go out and play the game it doesn't get better than playing high school basketball for most of these kids so u should enjoy it while u can.
If he quit because an assistant coach was yelling at him than that is pathetic IMO...
If people don't know what has happened they shouldn't post on here. It sounds as though everyone is blaming the kid. What if your coaches only criticize you and never compliment you for the good things that you do. It's a two way street. Coaches do yell and get mad and cuss at kids , that's expected. But, coaches also need to compliment kids and praise them for the good things they do. Sometimes one coach may be the hardass that stays on the kids, then one coach pulls them to the side and pats them on the back and tells them they'll do it better the next time. If this doesn't happen, then kids will get tired of trying to do better. Think about this, if your boss stayed on your case all the time and never gave you a good word,how would it make you feel.

I do think kids are more sensitive nowdays, It's the time we live in.
All I have to say about the whole thing is this. I know he didnt get cussed at by the coaching staff. The staff at Pikeville does not cuss at the players or even outside the gym. Verbal attacked, maybe, I dont know what a verbal attack actually is. If it is anything like a ole fashioned butt chewing, then that could have happened. Or even should have happened. I can remember more times all of my coaches gave me a butt chewing more than I can remember them not.

Now, for the really big question. What will this do to Pikevilles team if he doesnt come back. It could either make them better by playing more as a team and looking out and helping each other out like they was earlier in the year. Or it could make them totally fall apart. I dont know at this present time which it will be, but I think that question will be answered tonight against PCC. Can Pikeville win if he came back. Yes, they could. Just the same as they can still win if he doesnt come back.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Elwayfan Wrote:If people don't know what has happened they shouldn't post on here. It sounds as though everyone is blaming the kid. What if your coaches only criticize you and never compliment you for the good things that you do. It's a two way street. Coaches do yell and get mad and cuss at kids , that's expected. But, coaches also need to compliment kids and praise them for the good things they do. Sometimes one coach may be the hardass that stays on the kids, then one coach pulls them to the side and pats them on the back and tells them they'll do it better the next time. If this doesn't happen, then kids will get tired of trying to do better. Think about this, if your boss stayed on your case all the time and never gave you a good word,how would it make you feel.

I do think kids are more sensitive nowdays, It's the time we live in.

Boo Hoo. Welcome to the real world. Being part of a team having a job to do on the court gets u ready for the real world if commit to be there then suck it up and go the season is almost over and then u quit thats being childish and selfish to yourself and your team but he's just hurting his self just like in life no one will count on him again when u let people down. He's just a little above average player right now he needs to learn how to be a role player and accept that until his time comes if it ever does thats up to him
The biggest setback for the Panthers, if Clark doesn't return, will be trying to defend SV. He was the only kid that could come close to guarding the Justice kid. It will show if they get to play against SV in the district.
you know...if the case is that he quit because a coach yelled at him...then he doesnt need to play high school basketball. One thing that makes a big difference in the level of play now and in the past is the change in coaching styles. Back up ten years ago, no one was causin scences because a coach critisizes a kid. That is what they are there for. It makes a player stronger and better to be critisized than to jus talk to like a baby. No wonder the talent is not the same as it used to be.
I don't know the whole story but if the kid quit because he was yelled at then that sounds too me like the kid is very sensitive. If I where Bart Williams I wouldn't let him back on the team because that is a selfish thing to do.
Yes, you are right. VERY FEW people know the whole story. It isn't just he gets yelled at, and is too sensitive and quits. So Don't attack a sophomore for something you know nothing about.
BasketBallonlyfan Wrote:All I have to say about the whole thing is this. I know he didnt get cussed at by the coaching staff. The staff at Pikeville does not cuss at the players or even outside the gym. Verbal attacked, maybe, I dont know what a verbal attack actually is. If it is anything like a ole fashioned butt chewing, then that could have happened. Or even should have happened. I can remember more times all of my coaches gave me a butt chewing more than I can remember them not.

Now, for the really big question. What will this do to Pikevilles team if he doesnt come back. It could either make them better by playing more as a team and looking out and helping each other out like they was earlier in the year. Or it could make them totally fall apart. I dont know at this present time which it will be, but I think that question will be answered tonight against PCC. Can Pikeville win if he came back. Yes, they could. Just the same as they can still win if he doesnt come back.
Lordy......what kinda coaching you call that???Big Grin
Panther Thunder Wrote:Yes, you are right. VERY FEW people know the whole story. It isn't just he gets yelled at, and is too sensitive and quits. So Don't attack a sophomore for something you know nothing about.

Are you referring to me?

If so then I didn't attack the young man. I simply said if thats why he quit then thats a very selfish thing to do.
blackcat_student Wrote:Are you referring to me?

If so then I didn't attack the young man. I simply said if thats why he quit then thats a very selfish thing to do.
No just in general.
Panther Thunder Wrote:No just in general.

Making sure.
The Guru Wrote:Lordy......what kinda coaching you call that???Big Grin
I guess that could be taken the wrong way. The coaching staff at Pikeville does not cuss the players in the gym, or cuss outside the gym. All are very active in church and they just dont cuss. I didnt mean they didnt cuss at the players on the street or anything.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Yes, you are right. VERY FEW people know the whole story. It isn't just he gets yelled at, and is too sensitive and quits. So Don't attack a sophomore for something you know nothing about.
I do know the whole story, and the getting yelled at and getting his sensitive feelings/ego poked at the wrong time had a lot to do with it-that scene was a big spark that blew up the perverbial powder keg. His reasoning included some very mis-shapen and distorted veiws on the coaching staff and his fellow players...He will not be back at least this year and I am firmly on the coaching staffs side on this predicament...I also think Pikeville will be fine and even maybe better off.
EASports12 Wrote:I do know the whole story, and the getting yelled at and getting his sensitive feelings/ego poked at the wrong time had a lot to do with it-that scene was a big spark that blew up the perverbial powder keg. His reasoning included some very mis-shapen and distorted veiws on the coaching staff and his fellow players...He will not be back at least this year and I am firmly on the coaching staffs side on this predicament...I also think Pikeville will be fine and even maybe better off.
Come on! You and I both know he was a top player on the team. Pikeville will not be better off without him. Now, if he disrupts the chemistry on the team, maybe your better off not playing him until everything is worked out. He had just scored 16 pts., had 7 assist, and was the 2nd best if not the best defensive player on the team. The same was said about Harmon when he decided not to play. The point is, that Pikeville has lost two of their starters and best players this year. Pikeville would be much better with those two in the starting lineup. How can anyone argue that!
back in the good ole days when i was playing basketball if the coach/coaches weren't yelling at me/us for making mistakes i would have thought there was something wrong with them. furthermore, as a parent there is no way i would let a son or daughter of mine just up and quit a team because their feelings got hurt over a tongue lashing. i would analyze the incident, determine if i thought there was actually any serious wrong doing by the coaches and if i felt there was i would address it with them, otherwise if it was just a kid getting jumped on for making a few mistakes i would hope i had taught him to be mentally tough enough to deal with it and move on. I dont have a dog in the fight, but this seemed like an interesting subject and i thought i would throw my two cents worth of an opinion in.
Harlan Man Wrote:back in the good ole days when i was playing basketball if the coach/coaches weren't yelling at me/us for making mistakes i would have thought there was something wrong with them. furthermore, as a parent there is no way i would let a son or daughter of mine just up and quit a team because their feelings got hurt over a tongue lashing. i would analyze the incident, determine if i thought there was actually any serious wrong doing by the coaches and if i felt there was i would address it with them, otherwise if it was just a kid getting jumped on for making a few mistakes i would hope i had taught him to be mentally tough enough to deal with it and move on. I dont have a dog in the fight, but this seemed like an interesting subject and i thought i would throw my two cents worth of an opinion in.

thank you....if a kid cant handle being yelled at, and is to sensitive...then he doesnt need to play high school sports.
Elwayfan Wrote:Come on! You and I both know he was a top player on the team. Pikeville will not be better off without him. Now, if he disrupts the chemistry on the team, maybe your better off not playing him until everything is worked out. He had just scored 16 pts., had 7 assist, and was the 2nd best if not the best defensive player on the team. The same was said about Harmon when he decided not to play. The point is, that Pikeville has lost two of their starters and best players this year. Pikeville would be much better with those two in the starting lineup. How can anyone argue that!

I think this is an easy arguement to win. The point is, that it doesn't matter how good these two players are (or think they are) if they don't want to play and it's only going to cause trouble if they do then by all means....don't play and the team will be better off without them. I'm sure he wasn't the only player who could score double digits.
Elwayfan Wrote:Come on! You and I both know he was a top player on the team. Pikeville will not be better off without him. Now, if he disrupts the chemistry on the team, maybe your better off not playing him until everything is worked out. He had just scored 16 pts., had 7 assist, and was the 2nd best if not the best defensive player on the team. The same was said about Harmon when he decided not to play. The point is, that Pikeville has lost two of their starters and best players this year. Pikeville would be much better with those two in the starting lineup. How can anyone argue that!
Pikeville lost one starter this year, and only one player. Daniel didnt play from day one so he cant be counted. The best players on Pikevilles team are the same now as they was back when Gatlin played. That is Tim, Dev, and Matt. Those three are still there as far as I know.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
The player doesn't know how lucky he is to play for that group of coaches at Pikeville. Very good coaches and even better guys. Hopefully he will come to his senses in time to not let his high school career go to waste.
Hate to see a kid quit, but good luck to the kid!
Elwayfan Wrote:Come on! You and I both know he was a top player on the team. Pikeville will not be better off without him. Now, if he disrupts the chemistry on the team, maybe your better off not playing him until everything is worked out. He had just scored 16 pts., had 7 assist, and was the 2nd best if not the best defensive player on the team. The same was said about Harmon when he decided not to play. The point is, that Pikeville has lost two of their starters and best players this year. Pikeville would be much better with those two in the starting lineup. How can anyone argue that!
Actually, they probably are much better off without him. If a kid quits because he thought he wasn't getting enough credit, then they don't need him....period! This sounds like a very selfish kid that quit on his teammates right before tournament time. If it were me, he would be finished...forever!!!
bball fan Wrote:If it were me, he would be finished...forever!!!

Good thing it's not up to you.

This thread is closed. The kid has been bashed enough.

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