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Sally Roberts - Shelby Valley #11 Out for the Rest of the Year
I have spoken with a member of the Roberts family and they want you to have updated, correct information about Sally.

She has a complete tear of the ACL in her right knee. Surgery is scheduled for Jan. 22nd. The doctor said she would be 100% in six months after rehab, but as you know, that's not in time for the rest of her Senior basketball season or track.

The family would like to thank everyone for their concern and prayers. Keep praying for Sally's recovery.

As an added note, I would like to thank Sally for all her contributions to the SV athletic programs. You have truly been a joy to watch over the years! Good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future.
I think Sally should get a scholarship to some school for Basketball or Track, she is an amazing athlete and I have had a good time for 4 years watching her compete.
Take care Sally. I'll include you in my prayers. I know you'll attack your rehab just as you attacked the game of basketball! Good Luck & know... if the Lord brings you to it, the Lord will bring you through it!
Hate to hear this. It has ben a joy to watch you play. Good Luck in the future.
Sally Roberts is an incredible athlete--perhaps the best in the region--male or female, and she is one of the best people I have ever known. I would argue that Sally is a better person than she is an athlete! I wish her well in her future endeavors!
This is very sad news, but keep your chin up Sally!!! We still care very much for you and want to see you succeed in life!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you Sally.
Keep fighting

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