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Once you have scheduled a game with another team you shouldn't be able to cancel!
I can't stand these coaches that will schedule a game and then cancel at the last minute for no good reason except that you just don't think you can win!
If you cancel a game it should at the least count as a loss for your team and count aganist you in the post season
I agree that there should be some kind of penalty for teams that cancel games. This is a big problem both with middle school as well as younger teams (5/6 and 3/4 grade). I've seen it happen several times to my school, Shelby Valley.

Very frustrating, but the fact is that you just can't trust people's word anymore.

We were told to mark a team down as forfeit last year cause a team cancelled with less than a week before our game and it was after we submitted our schedule. Needless to say, we are not going to schedule against them anymore.
If teams will not do as I have told them and sign contracts for the games then its on them. I can only repeat myself so many times.
Farnsley middle was suspost to play Northern Pulaski today and I guess decided Friday they didn't want to play! Not sure the exact reason Farnsley canceled just know they canceled.
Well new Harlan called Johnson County on voice mail cancelled 7 th 8 th grade game we was counting on for 8 grade homecoming this year when the coach's called back Harlan wouldn't answer the phone, no reason why
I am a parent of a New Harlan Player and I was told that we canceled this game a while ago because belfry wanted to play us so they switched.. Also was told by some Johnson Central parents that Johnson central wouldn't reschedule this was told at the Plaski game... I will be asking our coach about this to find out..I am sorry that this was your all 8th grade walk out..

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