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Chris Henry
THOMCAT Wrote:This is probably the most offensive post that I have read. This is nothing more than a personal attack and provides very little value. Name calling has no place on this website. If you can not say something good about someone then you should keep your mouth shut.
I thought I seen your signs around town for MODERATOR of the year!
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I thought I seen your signs around town for MODERATOR of the year!

I am not a MODERATOR but I am entitled to my opinion. Are only the people that you approve entitle to their opinion. I do not remember anything in the rules that state that I must contact you before expressing an opinion.
I have an idea...Let's see how many times we can say opinion in a sentence..ready...GO!
THOMCAT Wrote:I am not a MODERATOR but I am entitled to my opinion.

Well I am and my opinion it that the personal attacks will stop. If we cannot get the thread back on track it will be closed.
Midee1 Wrote:Well I am and my opinion it that the personal attacks will stop. If we cannot get the thread back on track it will be closed.

Thank you.
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:I have an idea...Let's see how many times we can say opinion in a sentence..ready...GO!
Chris Henry is still young, as are most of these players. They are professionals, and need to conduct themselves better than average people, but they're young, and just haven't realized that yet, they're still being dumb like most people their age. Everybody who criticizes them needs to realize that. If they didn't do anything wild or stupid many times over when they were that age, then they're a rare minority.

By the way, he said opinion three times in that post, but he only said it once in a sentence, let's see how often we can avoid posts by pointing out irrelevant things that don't make sense anyways..........ready.....GO!
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Kinda of like you bringing up ( The Cheap Shot hit in another thread that had nothing to with Carson or Kimo? Anyways, 1 mistake is fine, but when you do them over and over and over? Not surprised that you would take up for a thug or better yet...The Bengals..Since both of them are the same thing...
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Kinda of like you bringing up ( The Cheap Shot hit in another thread that had nothing to with Carson or Kimo?

I don't remember ever bringing up Carson or Kimo that wasn't in a thread about the Bengals, the Steelers, or a way to the Super Bowl (I don't even think I did that last one, but it would be legit).
PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Anyways, 1 mistake is fine, but when you do them over and over and over? Not surprised that you would take up for a thug or better yet...The Bengals..Since both of them are the same thing....

Bengals have 53 players on the game roster, plus the practice squad. How many players have been in trouble? 7? So, 7/53 is the same as 53/53? That's a joke. Henry made mistakes, and was immature, but he had issues, and thought he could do anything, but now I think he's straightened out.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
BFritz Wrote:Bengals have 53 players on the game roster, plus the practice squad. How many players have been in trouble? 7? So, 7/53 is the same as 53/53? That's a joke. Henry made mistakes, and was immature, but he had issues, and thought he could do anything, but now I think he's straightened out.
Also, other than Henry, how many players have been in trouble multiple times?
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
I'm pretty sure a sticky should be made about anything bungels related because no1 cares about bfritz's opinion, all he does is bring up how only 7 bungels players have been arrested for stupid stuff, how palmer got a cheap shot from kimo which is retarded anyone with common sense could see that, and Even plamer said it. Fritz jsut go find a bungels forum and stay in there so u guys can talk about all the titles you have won. Confusedhh:

I'm tired of hearing the same thing in every single bungels thread. If carson completes a pass fritz has to bring up how he stand tall in the pocket. Its old news the bungals will never be a threat to anyone in the post season and they have the most horrible narrow minded fans in all of pro sports.
Meade Wrote:I'm pretty sure a sticky should be made about anything bungels related because no1 cares about bfritz's opinion, all he does is bring up how only 7 bungels players have been arrested for stupid stuff, how palmer got a cheap shot from kimo which is retarded anyone with common sense could see that, and Even plamer said it. Fritz jsut go find a bungels forum and stay in there so u guys can talk about all the titles you have won. Confusedhh:

I'm tired of hearing the same thing in every single bungels thread. If carson completes a pass fritz has to bring up how he stand tall in the pocket. Its old news the bungals will never be a threat to anyone in the post season and they have the most horrible narrow minded fans in all of pro sports.

Hey genius, go back and look at things. I wasn't the one who brought up the Bengals being arrested, the one or two times I did mention them first was when new information was found out that contradicted yours and a few others comments (God forbid).

Palmer's not going to come out and say "it was dirty," because a. he can't worry about things like that if he wants to fully improve b. he played with Kimo, and he's not going to come out and call out his friend, especially since it was unintentionally dirty.

I haven't mentioned how Carson stood tall, or anything along those lines, in how long? Few months? Also, what's the problem with doing it if you, alfus, and whoever else were so convinced that he wouldn't be able to? I was just trying to see if you'd admit to being wrong about something that you were 100% sure would be true.

I'm sure you've been on numerous threads like this one for every team in the NFL to make a judgement like "the bungals have the most horrible narrow minded fans in all of pro sports."

Congratulations on changing the subject and drawing attention away from my original post, now Playboy won't answer any of my questions, although I'll still expect it.
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
What question do you have for me? I will answer all of your questions?
Can't wait to see what questions you are going to actually ask as I am sure they are ...ah..better not...
Good job guys. Another one bites the dust. Keep this up and a few of you will spend a few days on the outside looking in till you learn to play nice. If you have any questions, comments or problems with this thread being closed please send me a PM.

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