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i know this is random but does anyone on here write it or read it if so who is your favorite poet or your fav poem and if u like to write them then share one with me please.

haha dont think im weird hahahahahaha :lol:
I dont really know my favorite poem by i wrote one for english once.
walking through jungle with a can of skoal in my hand
Hey Rambo Im a jungle man!
Look up in a tree what did I see,
Rambo trying to spit on me,
A took a dip skoal
Spit in his eye
That was the first time I ever seen Rambo cry..

GOD THAT WAS TERRIBLE>> Sorry I suck at poetry..
That was pretty funny QQ
However I absolutely hate most poetry, there may be one out there I may stumble upon and enjoy, but it is unlikely.
Im not much on liked that one..QQ
QQ that was quit funny

Posted Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:20 am:

and im sorry that everyone dislikes poetry im sorry :-(
Thats ok
Im sure that you will get better responses tomorrow when the intellectuals are awake haha
haha i love poetry idk y but i love to write it runs in my family my grand mother and I are working on a book
i hate writing poety or writing anything for that fact
poems are fun to write if your tryin to be funny but other than that they suck
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh buddy
I got one...

Roses are red, Violets are black
Why is your chest as flat as my back?

Say that to my girlfriend all the time. LOL
I like to write it and read it.

Read T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men"

That's my favorite.
care to share one gf
I'd rather lick a toilet seat than read poetry, no offense 15thRSB!
I'll put one up later, I actually walked out of English today and started writing one because it was so beautiful outside.
I cant stand poetry...It doesnt do anything for me.
Not a poetry guy.....

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