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McCracken County's "STANDOUT" Zy'aire Hughes
This is a link to the current status of McCracken's standout Qb.
Did this link work? It wont on my cpu
there now it should work..
If this Hughes kid was once at Mayfield how did we maNage to lose such a fine athlete to Mcracken county?
Very similar player to Randall Cobb, except a little bigger and faster.
He will need to have a standout year inside the classroom to be a qualifier.
I knew this kid was special when he was an 8th grader. I remember that year, my son was in 7th. We had a championship game the same day as theirs. They played just before us. I was watching this kid throw the ball 40 plus yards on a dime to a wide out in full stride. He did it many times. Then, they tried to get pressure on him once and he took off down field and it was like he was playing against grade school kids. I knew right then that this kid was gonna be a tough one. He is still my pick for Mr Football of 2015. I said this last year and I am going to stand behind it.
Cheers to that.. he will be the premier candidate from this side of the state.. if not the best state wide!

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