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Mother adds a sandbox to infant son's grave....


What are your thoughts about this???
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This, In My Opinion, is weird.

When somebody dies, their grave doesn't hold what we loved about that person. The grave only holds the body. And through the course of time, the body will decay. It's a fact of life.

We've all had loved ones die. Some from natural causes and some from terrible accidents. But they have passed from this life in to eternity.

My parents had two miscarriages before I was born... and one miscarriage between me and my sister. Life does and will go on. And that's not being insensitive... that's being honest. The end of life on this earth is not the end.

My wife and myself do not have kids yet. And I can only pray we never have to bury any of our kids. But thank God, I know if that does happen... they will be in a better place waiting on us.

The child that died was born with a birth defect.
"Doctors finally got Ryan's heart to beat, but the little boy was suffering from severe hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), a condition in which the brain does not receive enough oxygen. Ryan had no brain activity recorded at any time after he was born, Hammac said. He died five days later"
That shows that God is in control. He already knew what the outcome would be. Instead of a life of pain. God ended his suffering.

We can only pray for the family.... Tell'em that death is not the end. Tell'em God has a plan. It may not make sense now, but there was a reason for all of this. Jesus is the best parent somebody can have. Your son is in a place where illness and death will be a long forgotten memory.

Life on earth is terrible. Death, Illness, Crime, Destruction..... If we had no hope of Heaven, humans would have no reason to live. But thank God, thats not the case.
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I agree with what you have said, but although it may be weird to you or someone else, it is apparently a means to these particular folks of healing.

We all deal with grief in our own way. We can not judge someone until we have walked in their shoes.
My take on this is the undeniable love a mother has for her child. It's just a very sad, sad story.
Everyone grieves in their own unique way. How one grieves isn't up for discussion of right or wrong, IMO.

The way I understand the article, is that she did this so her son, older brother to the baby who died, wouldn't object as much to visiting the grave. He loves his sand box at home, so she added this one for him to "play with his brother". The psychologist mentioned in the article thinks that's "healthy".

I would hope that she doesn't become obsessed with visiting the grave with her living son. Even though I don't believe that I have the right to judge her grief process, I've seen a lot of parents whose lives have essentially ended from the loss of a child.

I will also tell you this, if I lost a child or a grand child, I don't think I would care if my life ended or not, to be honest. Burying a parent is pretty much expected and difficult enough; burying a child or grand child is just not natural.

I hope this woman and little boy find peace.
If this helps the family heal and recover from such a loss so be it. I will say that my initial response to this was that it is creepy and I could think of other ways to honor and remember a loved one other than the sandbox over a grave.

Short term this may be a useful healing tool. Long term if they are playing in the sandbox years from now I could see some interesting counseling sessions down the road. There's a reason why we don't have playgrounds and grills at the cemetery. In the meantime I'll pray for healing, peace, and recovery for the family.

And on this note….Happy Memorial Day weekend. The Spirit100 family will be remembering loved ones who have passed on via photo albums, video, and discussion. As well as honoring the sacrifices of the US Military to protect our liberties and country. Will probably watch Saving Private Ryan.

You and yours have a good holiday weekend!

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
it is really sad Sad

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