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Bracken County Holiday Tournament Shelved
Most fans and coaches have no idea how much it cost to put on a "first class" tournament. Last year without sponsors the King of the Buegrass would have lost $5000. Most years it is a near break even tournament. To have a successful tournament I compare our gate receipts to our expenses. Last year, on our biggest day, we had severe thunderstorms and tornado warning. That day alone we lost over $6000 at the gate. Four GOOD out-of-state teams don't come cheap + we guarantee every team money.

People look in the stands and say "boy…they are rolling in the money". They don't realize that (say it's the 2nd game of a 4 game session) there are two teams in the stands waiting to play, and two teams that just finshed playing…that's somewhere around 125 people that didn't pay to get in. Then it's the same way four the next game.

I have been the tournament director for 33 years…now 34 and I have records of every gate. The NFHS requires a sanction if you have teams from outside Kentucky and thier rules say "what you do for one you must do for all". You can adjust for "distance traveled': ex: You can give a team from California more than a team from Tennesse. After the tournament you must complete a financial report. Also, different states have different rules.

IMO I think there are way to many tournaments in Kentucky. Coaches are constantly looking for teams therefore it is hard to get a solid field.

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