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09-04-2006, 12:02 AM
He broke his Tibila tonight in the UK game and has hung it up for the season, maybe he can get a medical redshirt and come back next year. Big dagger through the heart of Louisville's season as tonight he had 128 yards and 3 touchdowns before the break.
09-04-2006, 12:12 AM
As I said in another thread, I wish nothing but the best to Bush. He was going to have a monster senior season and you hate to see this happen to anyone even if they do play for a hated rival.
09-04-2006, 12:17 AM
Man, this is just AWFUL! I know it doesn't help right now, but it was good news to hear that he had the 2 million dollar insurance policy! He will bounce back..If Willis McGahee came back after his leg snapped, then I think Bush will be ready to roll next year!
09-04-2006, 12:44 AM
He was on a pace to score 6 TD's against the cats, i hate to see anyone go down that way.
09-04-2006, 02:42 AM
I hate to hear that, makes you wonder if he should have went pro last never know what can happen.
09-04-2006, 04:02 AM
I had the privilege of being at the game... the thing was, it didn't look that bad when he did it. He sat up and waved at the crowd and looked fine. It's definately a devestating injury for the Cards and being apart of U of L I can tell you campus is very down tonight!
09-04-2006, 09:53 AM
It is a shame that this had to happen to this young man. Now he may have to come back and play next year to prove to the NFL scouts that he has no ill effects from the broken leg and to prove his durability. This will have a huge impact on U of L's season.
09-04-2006, 10:12 AM
While a tragic event for Bush, he is lucky thast he broke it and did not mess up his whole knee and will not need total reconstructive knee surgery.....He broke his Tib/Fib right? He can come back from that I think, my son broke his.
Twitter: @tc_analytics
09-04-2006, 01:17 PM
Man this is awful. He was gonna have a HUGE season. Hope he heals up and gets to play more football. Possibly in the NFL.
09-04-2006, 01:34 PM
He will either red shirt and play next season for UL or go to the NFL... he is a great RB and I hate this happened to him
**Send me a pm if you have any questions or comments**
09-04-2006, 07:39 PM
I read a report from Petrino, he said that right now it is up to Micheal whether or not he will go to the NFL, Petrino is saying that he should go through with rehab and strngthen his leg again and pass on his senior season, but this will all be a decision by Micheal and his Family.
09-04-2006, 08:13 PM
This is horrible news ! But I think he will redshirt this year and comback next season !
09-04-2006, 08:23 PM
I think he will redshirt.
09-04-2006, 09:16 PM
As big of a Kentucky fan as I am, when I heard he broke his leg I kind of got sick at my stomach because this kid has such a bright future ahead of him and really no matter who you are or cheer for you hate for something to jeperdize that. He has come a long ways and in the 1st game of his SR. year he breaks his leg, that has to be tough for him swallow. I pray he has a fast recovery and comes back as strong as ever, hopefully he'll redshirt.
09-04-2006, 10:17 PM
he is out 6-8 months, before he can start rehabbing, he will miss the combine. The redshirt is optional for him if he thinks playing football is what he wants to do... he broke his leg in both places so he may not play again including in the NFL....
09-04-2006, 11:35 PM
cardinalfan27 Wrote:he is out 6-8 months, before he can start rehabbing, he will miss the combine. The redshirt is optional for him if he thinks playing football is what he wants to do... he broke his leg in both places so he may not play again including in the NFL....
He'll play again...guarenteed. Surgery was a success today. Should forego a redshirt and put himself in the draft. Kind of the same situation McGahee was in a few years ago, except he blew out his knee. IMHO Bush is still a first round draft pick in next years draft.
09-04-2006, 11:41 PM
Well I am a Kentucky fan, but I do wish him the best of luck.
09-05-2006, 11:35 PM
This is all the talk in the newspapers and around campus down here. They said he broke his right leg about the midway point above his ankle-knee. I believe they put in a titanium rod and 2 screws to hold it together. The procedure was a rather easy one, going just over an hour, so it wasn't too bad of a break. I'll see if I can't talk to Brohm or one of the players in my class to see what the word is about what he's going to do. But I have heard if Brohm stays, Bush will stay, but Brohm is just a few hours shy of graduating this spring, so who knows. If it was up to me, the 6-8 month period gets you to about March, with all the combines getting ready to start up then and the draft at the end of April, I'd stay another year. Bush was in the best physical shape of his life. He got behind me last week at the chicken wrap place and he's a beast. The guy has no neck at all, rock solid, never seen a guy like that in my life.
09-06-2006, 10:04 AM
out of the top 10 in the heismen this year he was the one i was pulling for. its a tough break for UofL. I wish them the best now that they're not playing UK

09-07-2006, 12:24 AM
I really hated to see that happen. I was so looking forward to watching WVU and L-ville this year. I was in Morgantown last year when Pat White/ Steve Slaton (WVU) and Brohm/ Bush put on a heckofva show. IMO won't be the same this year.
09-09-2006, 11:12 PM
mcgahee was also playing in the his game of the season (fiesta bowl) got drafted and set on the IR for a year.
that was bushes first game so if he gets drafted he will be ready for the first game in the Nfl
that was bushes first game so if he gets drafted he will be ready for the first game in the Nfl
09-14-2006, 08:00 PM
I think the Cards will still have a good season because the backups looked pretty good in the game.
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