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Danville, Somerset, Middlesboro seeding ?
Is Somerset beats Middlesboro and both them and Danville end up at 2-1, who will be #1, #2 and #3 seed? I guess my question is, how is a 3 way tie breaker determined, since head to head can't be used in this scenario?
If there is a 3 way tie you total opponents wins not including the teams in question. Middlesboro's opponents have totaled 19 and they have Lynn Camp left with 3 wins. Danville's opponents have 9 and they have Frankfort left with 6. Somerset's opponents have 11. Middlesboro wins district if there is a 3 way tie.Middlesboro has won the district. If Somerset were to beat Middlesboro it would come down to Danville's game with Frankfort to determine the number 2 seed from the district.
I think Middlesboro has won Dist. but for Somerset to be 2nd they must beat Middlesboro. If Somerset beats Middlesboro and Danville beats Frankfort Danville will prob. be 2nd. Don't think Danville can beat Frankfort.
It won't matter. The Bunnies appear to be choke artist this year so they won't beat Middlesboro.
mysonis55 Wrote:It won't matter. The Bunnies appear to be choke artist this year so they won't beat Middlesboro.

I don't think I would label them Choke Artist. It's hard to play beat up. Last night was 2nd time this season they had to play with 3rd string TB. Also last night QB was out and several others beat up. Prob. lucky to win. I know injuries are part of the game. Somerset has had enough for several years. We'll see.
Trust me, you don't want me to say anything good about them. I did and the next game they lost to Danville.
Cellking Wrote:I don't think I would label them Choke Artist. It's hard to play beat up. Last night was 2nd time this season they had to play with 3rd string TB. Also last night QB was out and several others beat up. Prob. lucky to win. I know injuries are part of the game. Somerset has had enough for several years. We'll see.

Every now and then you have seasons like this and this year we just don't have the horses to compensate. 2002 was the same way. Preseason #3 team in 1A, all state LB gets hurt in a car accident before the season, then week 3 we lost a Mr. Football candidate in Newell and then proceed to lose our next 3 or 4 best players as the season rolls on. Struggled to a 5-6 season that year. Hopefully this year we can get enough guys healthy to make a decent run here.
We all have been there. One of the weirdest I ever saw was around 2004 or so I think. Our big time running back was ran out of bounds and hit a steel light pole. They took him to hospital and he was diagnosed with broken neck. They put him in a hallo. He goes back in 3-4 weeks and they said there never was a break. They took him out of the hallo but, it had done some damage to his neck from how long it was on. So, you guessed it, he couldn't play the rest of the year.
E's Army Wrote:If there is a 3 way tie you total opponents wins not including the teams in question. Middlesboro's opponents have totaled 19 and they have Lynn Camp left with 3 wins. Danville's opponents have 9 and they have Frankfort left with 6. Somerset's opponents have 11. Middlesboro wins district if there is a 3 way tie.Middlesboro has won the district. If Somerset were to beat Middlesboro it would come down to Danville's game with Frankfort to determine the number 2 seed from the district.

This is incorrect. But your close.

If there is a three way tie for a district championship, each team takes four of there non-district wins and add those teams win totals up.

For example, IF there is a three way tie, Middlesboro has beaten Grant County, Bell County, Harlan, Union VA, and will beat Lynn Camp to finish out the regular season.
Now, Mboro will take 4 of those teams with the most wins and add them up.
At the current total, these are the teams wins
Grant County- 1 Win
Pinveille- 6 Wins
Bell County- 5 wins
Union VA- 6 wins
Lynn Camp- 3 wins

So, more than likely, Mboro will end up using Bell County, currently 5 wins, Pineville, Currently 6 wins, Union VA, currently 6 wins, and Lynn Camp, currently 3 wins for a total of 20 points.

And you do this for all teams.

However, it will not be decided until the regular season is completely over, because points could be added until the final game is played. From the looks of it, Mboro is in pretty good shape even if they do lose compared to the other two.

You werent to far off in your reasoning, but, you can only select four nondistrict opponents. Its a lot easier to understand than it sounds. Your on the right track though, and no matter what, i see Mboro winning district, even with a loss to Somerset.
mysonis55 Wrote:We all have been there. One of the weirdest I ever saw was around 2004 or so I think. Our big time running back was ran out of bounds and hit a steel light pole. They took him to hospital and he was diagnosed with broken neck. They put him in a hallo. He goes back in 3-4 weeks and they said there never was a break. They took him out of the hallo but, it had done some damage to his neck from how long it was on. So, you guessed it, he couldn't play the rest of the year.

That is strange. Was the kid a Senior?
All three teams need to focus on controlling only what they can control. For each team that is how they perform on the field. They cant control how other teams perform or their injury situations. i feel like Either of the three teams could beat one another on a given night.
There are a couple different things going on here. If miidlesboro and Danville win this week (Mboro-Danville-Somerset-LCA). If Mboro and LCA win (Mboro-Somerset and Danville could switch places and then LCA) If Somerset and Danville win (Mboro-Danville-Somerset-LCA). If Somerset and LCA win (Mboro-Somerset-LCA-Danville) Things could shuffle in the 2-3 whole. Also if Somerset had another game (which they dont), this thing could have gotten a little more intersting.
If Somerset and Danville win's it would be a tie for 1st place. Middlesboro get's nod. 2nd place Danville would have 7 pts for wins against non Dist Comp. Somerset would have 10. Then it would go to last week comp. if Danville beat Frankfort they would be #2 in Dist. if not Somerset would be #2 in Dist. Think this is right!!
After initial tiebreaker it goes head to head for the 2/3 seed
jlow Wrote:There are a couple different things going on here. If miidlesboro and Danville win this week (Mboro-Danville-Somerset-LCA). If Mboro and LCA win (Mboro-Somerset and Danville could switch places and then LCA) If Somerset and Danville win (Mboro-Danville-Somerset-LCA). If Somerset and LCA win (Mboro-Somerset-LCA-Danville) Things could shuffle in the 2-3 whole. Also if Somerset had another game (which they dont), this thing could have gotten a little more intersting.

Correction if somerset and LCA win (Somerset-Mboro-LCA-Danville) Somerset would win Head to head and LCA would win head to head
I think we can all agree LCA isnt going to beat anybody.

That means Mboro already has this district wrapped up. It doesnt matter what happens. There way ahead in the tie breaker and from what little i seen, there is no way the other two could catch them in points.
I believe gut that you can't use a team from out of state on your wins list. Believe they have to be Kentucky teams. But I could be wrong.
Thats wrong.

You CAN use out of state competetion for your wins.

each team tied for the position shall
receive one point for each game won by any four of their
defeated opponents in all games, except for the games
played between any two of the tied teams. All games played
shall be counted in applying the tie-breaking procedure,
including out of state games,
with the exception that a
defeated school may be counted only once in the procedure
regardless of the number of games played against that
particular school. Teams awarded forfeit victories (whether
or not a forfeit fee is paid) may count the defeated opponents
of the forfeiting team, provided the game was not replaced
on the schedule.
Seems like every year i have to post this Confusednicker:

b) TIE-BREAKER (more than two teams). Should three or more
teams tie for the a district position based upon the win-loss
record, the position shall be determined by the following:
i) If one of the teams has defeated each of the other teams
tied in games contested between them, that team shall be
declared to hold the highest position, and the winner of the
game between the remaining teams (if less than four) shall
be declared the second highest position. In the event of
more than three teams being tied, where one has defeated
each of the tied teams, that team shall be declared the
highest position, and the tie-breaking procedure shall be
re-applied for the remaining tied teams.
ii) If the tie remains, each team tied for the position shall
receive one point for each game won by any four of their
defeated opponents in all games, except for the games
played between any two of the tied teams
. All games played
shall be counted in applying the tie-breaking procedure,
including out of state games, with the exception that a
defeated school may be counted only once in the procedure
regardless of the number of games played against that
particular school
. Teams awarded forfeit victories (whether
or not a forfeit fee is paid) may count the defeated opponents
of the forfeiting team, provided the game was not replaced
on the schedule.

iii) If the tie remains after application of provision (ii), an
additional defeated opponent’s wins will be added to the
point total for each team until the tie is broken and the
winner of the tied position declared, or until all games are

iv) If the tie for the position involves only three teams, and the
application of (ii) and (iii) results in one team being declared
the winner of the tied position based on point totals, the
highest point total from the application of (ii) and (iii)
between the two remaining tied teams shall be declared to
hold the next position.

v) If the tie for the championship involves more than three
teams, and the application of (ii) and (iii) results in one
team being declared the winner of the tied position based
on point totals, the procedure shall then be re-applied to
determine the next position.
vi) If the tie for the position involves more than three teams,
and the application of (ii) and (iii) results in two teams
remaining tied for the position based on points, the head
to head game played between them shall break the tie, and
head to head competition will break any remaining ties.
vii) If a tie results after application of all provisions of the
above plan, the tie shall be broken by the Board of Control.

Just to give you an idea of how much ive understood the tiebreaker since high school, 2 or 3 of the 4 years i was in high school, a three way tiebreaker had to be decided between Whitley, Rock, and Bell. This falls into the "triangle" of wins category where team A beat team B, team B beat team C, and team C beat team A.
In other words, if there is a three way tie after the games are played, each team will take four of there defeated opponents wins and add them up.
If the teams are still tied after that process, then you add the win total of all teams each team played and whoever has the most points is declared the winner.

Ive never seen it go beyond the first step of simply taking four of the teams you beat, including out of state, and taking there wins and adding them up to see who has the most.
I stand corrected.

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