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Hell in a cell plans changed, hbk on raw next week, bray wyatt’s injury
- As of Monday afternoon, Bray Wyatt will not be wrestling at Hell in a Cell. He’s expected to miss four weeks while he recovers from the leg injury he suffered at a live event over the weekend.

- WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels is expected to appear on next week’s “go home” edition of WWE RAW to hype his role as special referee in the main event of Hell in a Cell.

- On Monday’s RAW, it was announced that CM Punk will wrestle Ryback and Paul Heyman inside Hell in a Cell at next weekend’s pay-per-view. Original plans called for only Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton to take place inside the steel cage, however, Vince McMahon made the decision on Monday afternoon to feature a second match inside the cell.
So, does HBK screw over DB because of his friendship with HHH, or does HBK screwover HHH because he trained DB???
Very good question. HBK said he would call it down the middle. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
I kinda get a sense that Daniel Bryan is winning, so I think he'll call it fair.

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