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Ashland 2014
Tomcat Pride Wrote:Hate that for the kid. How are we health wise going into the Mason scrimmage?
Good to go.
So Vaughn will be back just in time for district games.
I thought Vaughn left the team?
Club17 Wrote:That's embarrassing and a slap in the face of every tomcat that has ever walked into Putnam. Everything Tony Love claims he stands for was pissed all over by that kid and he is allowed to just waltz back into the fray? Wow...what a ridiculous decision by someone who is supposed to be a disciplinarian. If I were Baker or Long I'd never practice by the standard that is being set by allowing this. What a joke.

Isnt the first crow he has eaten and wont be the last one he will eat.
Coupon21 Wrote:So Vaughn quit. Missed all the practices and camp and then is allowed to come back?

Not surprising when another player gets in the coach's face (putting it lightly) and nothing happens to him either...from what I hear, at least...kids all over - not just Ashland - are losing respect more and more...
Ashland isnt the only school having some issues in this regaurd. Ironton had 4 or 5 guys miss all but one day of "2 a days". Which allowed some underclassmen/2nd and 3rd rotation guys, the chance at a starters job. Only to find, now that 2 a days are over and its media time and back to one practice/day, those 4 or 5 original starters are magically healed and back into their starting rolls.

I think if you miss camp and then LEAVE the team, then you should be out of luck.
In his defense, kid has a bum ankle. Doctors told him rest and rehab. Tried to go on it a few times wasn't getting better. Kid somehow oversleep at camp, no one woke him up. He came to the morning practice half way through. When Love found out he flipped made all the Seniors do extra up-downs for not being leaders leaving a teammate behind and evidently Vaughn got mad about his teammates getting punished for something he did and went off. Vaughn had surgery on the ankle will be out 8 weeks.
Everyone else managed to get up though? Hmmmmm sounds odd to me.
The story I heard was that Vaughn blamed his team for not waking him so that's why the up downs were issued. I don't know for sure but from everything I've been told about this kid he's bad news and has been an issue since Harts last year. Seems to me that Love should've made an example, he did but just not the way he should've made it. I think this looks bad on him and the entire staff.
Coach Love doesnt put up with much. He must feel the kid has seen his errors and is back on track. I have alot of respect for Coach Love, he will get this kids mind back on the right path.
Any player that can help you win, is always forgived. Seems like a repeating theme in football.
It is not about winning or losing. It is about using the powerful platform of teacher-coach to develop young student-athletes into life long productive people. The measure of a great coach is not wins/losses but how many young people he taught to be dependable, hard working, morally sound, community minded, humble individuals who endeavor to leave their world a better place.
Double trouble for opponents this season . Last nights scrimmage Long had a 66 yard INT TD and Baker 95 yard TD run. Friday night can't get here quick enough!
dawgbyte02 Wrote:It is not about winning or losing. It is about using the powerful platform of teacher-coach to develop young student-athletes into life long productive people. The measure of a great coach is not wins/losses but how many young people he taught to be dependable, hard working, morally sound, community minded, humble individuals who endeavor to leave their world a better place.

Your post is very nice. However, the real world tells us it is all about winning. I think most coaches concentrate on doing whatever they can to win. If they don't win, regardless of how many gentlemen are produced, they will be replaced. The bottom line: winning.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Your post is very nice. However, the real world tells us it is all about winning. I think most coaches concentrate on doing whatever they can to win. If they don't win, regardless of how many gentlemen are produced, they will be replaced. The bottom line: winning.
Therein lies the problem. Most folks say sports builds character. Good Teacher-coaches build character. From grade school to the pros we have seen way to many characters and not enough character. From a Lexington police officer assaulting a teenage referee at a middle school soccer game to professional athletes being indicted for murder to rules being instituted regarding post game hand shakes. The win at all costs mentality usually leads to a downward spiral of whole school systems and communities. See Cordia, Fairview, Rose Hill. But the main people hurt in this quest for "Championship of the Entire Universe" is the students left behind after the smoke clears. Every administrator, teacher-coach, parent, fan should demand better. I would bet Teacher-coach Haywood at Belfry talks to his players about more than just football. I would venture to say he has rules that if broken leads to consequences regardless of who the player is or how it affects the upcoming game or season. Maybe some of the Belfry players could elaborate. Have we come to the point where it ok for student-athletes to be flunking high school classes, be disrespectful to teachers, parents, have no goals or hopes as long as they can help win some type of athletic contest? Do we really want a society that actively encourages cheating in pursuit of a win? Or do we want to encourage our kids to give 100% everyday, make good choices, be on time and be respectful understanding that in life you do not win all the time just as in sports. Then kids will be better prepared for Monday thru Friday and not just Friday. That is the reality.
I still think it's about winning and losing. Every coach wants to win and in most cases needs to win to keep his job in most cases. Now with that being said I think sportsmanship is what kids need to be taught whether you're a winning coach or a losing coach. That is what are young Devils,Rams,Bulldogs...etc need to be taught by high school coaches and by parents. That is what will make our community's strong in my opinion. We should teach our team to lose with respect and win gracefully.
DevilWatcher Wrote:I still think it's about winning and losing. Every coach wants to win and in most cases needs to win to keep his job in most cases. Now with that being said I think sportsmanship is what kids need to be taught whether you're a winning coach or a losing coach. That is what are young Devils,Rams,Bulldogs...etc need to be taught by high school coaches and by parents. That is what will make our community's strong in my opinion. We should teach our team to lose with respect and win gracefully.
Everybody wants to win, I get that. But in life as well as athletic events, no matter how well prepared or conditioned sometimes you lose. To me there are more teachable moments when you lose. If every member did the very best they could do and still lost I say you are successful. Successful teams are just that, teams.
They are not a bunch of talented individuals running around making plays. A successful high school team is a team made up of everybody from the youth d team to the seniors and all the volunteers, coaches, parents in between. All I am saying is that over the last several years high school sports have taken on a college/pro mentality. Went 4-6 go buy a new coach. Went 15-20 search the world for better basketball players. Doesn't matter if they speak English just so they can play. Even doing this you can't even win a regional title. Kid pleads guilty to rape, serves 6 months in juvenile and is allowed back on team because he has a lot of ability (Ohio). Fake addresses to fake birth certificates to fake classes all in the name of winning. If this is the norm for high school sports then I want no part of it. When we teach young men and women that it is alright to block in the back, as long as you don't get caught, it is alright to skip class, don't worry about that test, I got your back, if anybody asks, this is your address, caught drinking, just normal kids, with no consequences they carry this forward. And really this conversation should be on thread by itself. I did not mean to hi jack the Ashland thread with my rant. I do apologize. Good luck to my alma mater Friday.
dawgbyte02 Wrote:Everybody wants to win, I get that. But in life as well as athletic events, no matter how well prepared or conditioned sometimes you lose. To me there are more teachable moments when you lose. If every member did the very best they could do and still lost I say you are successful. Successful teams are just that, teams.
They are not a bunch of talented individuals running around making plays. A successful high school team is a team made up of everybody from the youth d team to the seniors and all the volunteers, coaches, parents in between. All I am saying is that over the last several years high school sports have taken on a college/pro mentality. Went 4-6 go buy a new coach. Went 15-20 search the world for better basketball players. Doesn't matter if they speak English just so they can play. Even doing this you can't even win a regional title. Kid pleads guilty to rape, serves 6 months in juvenile and is allowed back on team because he has a lot of ability (Ohio). Fake addresses to fake birth certificates to fake classes all in the name of winning. If this is the norm for high school sports then I want no part of it. When we teach young men and women that it is alright to block in the back, as long as you don't get caught, it is alright to skip class, don't worry about that test, I got your back, if anybody asks, this is your address, caught drinking, just normal kids, with no consequences they carry this forward. And really this conversation should be on thread by itself. I did not mean to hi jack the Ashland thread with my rant. I do apologize. Good luck to my alma mater Friday.

Seems everybody does two things, points fingers at others and justifies their own transfers. DB2 take Lawrence for instance, there was a lot of controversy surrounding the Dalton Boys a year or two ago. Tolsia folks point fingers and Lawrence folks justify.
Can everyone try and stay on topic this year. When I click on an Ashland thread I expect to read something about Ashland, not the Dayton boys from Lawrence Co. Could someone please tell me what they and all this other chat about winning and loosing has to do with the kittens upcoming football season? I didn't think so. So either start a new thread on your topic or stay off. :gtfo:
Even though no one mentioned the Dayton boys. Your point is well taken. Ashland will have a successful regular season followed by a top 5 of who's who in the playoffs. If it wants to make a playoff run there will have to be more than one upset. After watching the scrimmage, I was impressed with team speed. On Baker's long TD run he was followed by 4 more Tomcats into the endzone before the first Mason player arrived.
Well, it may be a long night for the Breds Friday. The NCC offensive line is in shambles. Holding the edge on the defensive line seems to be a major issue as well. Injuries already an issue with the team. Some egos may get hurt, both the players and some dads, today at practice. Kids are going to get shuffled to positions they should be in already. i wish them well, but baker may break the state single game rushing record this friday. He had a monster game in newport last season againt a much better defense.
Not sure I buy into the woe. NCC will be ready to play.
MrBWesley Wrote:Well, it may be a long night for the Breds Friday. The NCC offensive line is in shambles. Holding the edge on the defensive line seems to be a major issue as well. Injuries already an issue with the team. Some egos may get hurt, both the players and some dads, today at practice. Kids are going to get shuffled to positions they should be in already. i wish them well, but baker may break the state single game rushing record this friday. He had a monster game in newport last season againt a much better defense.
I hope Baker and company run wild but I think NCC will put up a battle.
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