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2013-14 16th Region Pre-Season Rankings
16th Region Predictions

Team Seniors Lost
1.) Fleming 4
2.)Ashland 2

3.) Lewis 3
4.) Rowan 5
5.) Elliott 2
6.) Bath 5

7.)Boyd 7
8.)Raceland 0
9.) Morgan 6
10.) Fairview 1.
11.) East 6

12.) Menifee 1
13.) Greenup 2
14.) Russell 8
15.) West 2

16.) Rose Hill 5

Fleming - With the return of their core four, and more importantly the dynamic duo of Darion Burns and Troy Steward, they should be primed for another run at Rupp. Saunders came up big this past year with his role as the guy who does the dirty work: the second chance points, offensive rebounds, and charges drawn really helped Fleming County. If the panthers can develop 3 point shooters to space the floor and open driving lanes for Burns, incorporate the play of isolation for Crisp, and improve Williams as a center (if they're even gonna use a center) they'll be dangerous, as if they aren't already.

Ashland - Losing Hart and Salow will definitely hurt the Tomcats. But with Buddy Biggs, they are likely to drag in another player. Even if they don't, the expected improvement of: Dikembe Dixon, Steven Friley, Junior forward Nick Miller, and defensive minded Ross Thompson should make up for some of that. It also doesn't hurt that they are in the worst district in the region, leaving them a cake walk to play a second seed of an opposing district in the regional tournament.

Lewis - Losing their 3 point shooting big man, Colton Ripato, will hurt the Lions. But with the dead eye 3 point shooting combo guard Ruckel dominating the ball, they won't be hurting much. Holder and Adams will have to step up to solidify a top 5 spot in the region for this 63rd district favorite.

Rowan - After Justin Graham's ACL injury from football and Thacker's last season shoulder injury, the injury bug has hit upcoming senior guard Thacker again, who will return to the Viking lineup after coming off the surgery. Now that the literal twin towers are gone, the Viking frontcourt is very bare. From the naked eye everything has seemed to be left on Thacker's shoulders. Yet the much improved sixth man Callahan, and Justin Graham seem to be more than ready to step in.

Elliott - The lions will lose 2 seniors, Aaron Elliott and Jesse Flanery; but returning players including the Griffith twins and 3 point marksman Logan Nickell. They will have to shovel the load and more to keep this team playing consistently at the level of a district favorite and also a top five team in the region. With their 3 point mentality, they could compete with, if not beat, almost any team in the region if they're hot that night. That being said, if they aren't hitting, they might as well pack it up.

Bath - The Wildcats will return best player, Sammons, and their second leading scorer, Maze, who had a supposed season lingering injury which was taken care of by a recent off season surgery. Bath County's last season record shows that they are a "come on strong late in the season" kind of team. If they can incorporate that in the first half, more notably the middle of the season, they'll be alright. Assuming the Portugal kid Ramos stays and Becraft improves, Bath will more than likely be a top 10 team.

Boyd - After losing 7 of their seniors, one of them being star player Austin Hunt and the other, Lowe, who suffered a season ending injury, the Lions of Boyd County will have to rely heavily on sharpshooter Tristian Burgess to shoulder the scoring load. They will also look to their key reserves from bench of 2013 season to fill massive void of players lost. The upcoming seniors along with Burgess will be: Griffith, Meade, and Mullins

Raceland - As a young team last season, Raceland could be described as a streaky. They won a few games in a row at a time, most being out of state teams who I haven't the slightest idea how good they are, but I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt. The Rams are bringing back their best players, Blair and Messer, along with the rest of their team. Losing 0 seniors will allow this team to regroup during the regular season, giving them a great shot at regional tournament in a weak(ened) 63rd district.

Morgan - Through the grapevine I've heard that Morgan County is bringing in a transfer from, supposedly, Africa. If this happens, not only will it shake up the 62nd, but the region overall. Assuming this doesn't happen and Coach CaliPERRY doesn't bring in another talented recruiting class, they will become the Morgan county of old. Leading the Cougars will be coach's son Jordan Perry with his sidekicks Whisman and Burton. They are projected to be a borderline ten seed in the 16th region struggling to make the tournament.

Fairview - The Eagles will lose the Huntington Transfer Elijah King due to graduation, but his brother Isaiah will only be a Junior. Isaiah, who is an athletic lanky guard who likes to fire the 3 ball, has to potential to put up 30. He will be ready to take the helm of their offense, along with Ryan Jones, Andrew Carroll, and Logan Thovson who will be key contributors this upcoming season.

East - At the beginning of the season last year, it looked as if East Carter was on track to a repeat appearance at Morehead. When Senior Jordan Burchett (or it may have been Kyle Stewart) went down, most knew they probably wouldn't make it -even though they almost did, but fell short at the hands of West Carter. The injury to the senior guard wasn't necessarily a bad thing for the future of the Raiders. It allowed sophomore guard Connor Greene to step in to more of a leadership role, preparing him for the 2014 season. If the Raiders plan on doing anything this upcoming season, their offense will have to run through the Junior Guard to be.

Menifee - With the graduation of: injury prone, star player, Drew Swartz; who was the main contributor in all of their 4 wins, the Wildcats will be struggling. Menifee might not have won a game without Swartz. Nevertheless, Trevor Rose and Thomas Chaney will return and try to take control of this wayward Wildcats team. Chaney, who was a double-double machine in the presence of Swartz, will try to be the same caliber player with Rose at the point.

Greenup - While having the 3rd worst record in the 16th region last year, they are losing two key seniors. This musketeer team came on very strong at the end of last season only to run into a buzz saw in Russell. It's hard to say what we can expect from them next year with only 3 seniors to be.

Russell - As if the loss of 16th region star Kyle Skaggs wasn't enough, they will also lose 7 other seniors. I don't care who they have coming through the dismantled program, inexperience is hard to overcome, and they have a plethora of inexperienced players to develop.

West - The Comets are in the same boat as Russell, they might as well have lost half their team due to the graduation of Kyle Brown. All- Region team member Jacob Layne, Braden Brown, and Dalton Spurlock will be all that is left of this also dismantled Olive Hill team.

Rose Hill - As if their last years team didn't struggle enough, they are losing 5 seniors. The only way this team will be in contention for anything is if O.J Mayo, Bill Walker, Chad Jackson, and Dakota Euton return to the Royals. I'm not even sure if this team is even going to be in the 16th next year.

Region's Top Players

1a.) Darion Burns - With lack of a better adjective, he is a Really Fast, Really Strong, Really Athletic guard who likes to get to the rim and finishes tremendously when he gets there. This sums it up for the Panther guard loaded with varsity experience.

1b.) Troy Steward - Long, lanky off guard that can fill it up from deep, pull up off the dribble, as well as take it to the rim. He can send it packing on defense and dunk on you on offense.

2.) Dikembe Dixon - A 6'6, potential 3 guard with a decent mid-range game and overwhelming defense at the rim. This kid could be something special if he can develop a 3 point game and improve his handles to go along with that astounding athleticism.

3.) Brett Ruckel - Shoots lights out from anywhere on the court. He has polished his handles from last year, and has improved his ability to bring the ball up the court under pressure. This will help the Lions when he will be getting denied full court.

4.) Jordan Perry - One of, if not the most fundamentally sound players in the region. I guess that is one of the perks of having a dad as your coach. He always seems to make the right play and has as much varsity experience as anyone in the 16th and is a sophomore.

5.) Keegan Sammons - Lanky, 3 point shooting wing. He is sometimes streaky but when this kid is hot, boy is he hot. If he can polish his handles and aggressiveness you might see him finish close to the top of the region in scoring.

6.) Tyler Thacker - Thacker would be higher if he improved to become more consistent with his decision making and shot selection. He often gets into a groove where he is dishing out assists left and right while racking up the points for himself. This is when Thacker and the Vikings are at their best.

7.) Logan Nickell - He likes to take it to the rim off the dribble when he's not hitting 3's from 25 feet. He has above average handles for someone who relies on his 3 point shooting so heavily.

8a.) Brady Saunders - Hustle machine. This kid wants it more than anyone on the court. He often puts up a double-double with points and rebounds while only being about 6'1.

8b.) Austin Crisp - The way he plays sometimes clashes with Burns'. He seems to an isolation player. He is a really great one-on-one player, but Burns is usually the one dominating the ball for the Panthers which takes away that opportunity from Crisp, but that shouldn't count against him.

9.) Blake Maze - This kid is a pretty good ball handler who loves to slash. About like his brother who played there previously, he likes to take it to the rim, draw fouls, and get to the line.

10.) Isaiah King - Long, athletic, combo guard who can ball. After Turner quit last year, he became the go to offensive player. That will surely continue this year.

Honorable Mention (alphabetically):
Blair, Callahan, Friley, Greene, Messer, Rose
If the 16th region is going to send a team to the latter rounds of the Sweet 16, Fleming Co has to be that team. Only question is what we've been asking for a few years now... where will their rebounding and interior defense come from?
I wonder how many different faces we will see at Morgan this year?
Welp, I would have agreed 100% that Fleming County was the 16th Region's best shot at making some noise in the state tournament. This was before the almighty Darion Burns tore his ACL. Now it's a toss-up between Fleming and God knows who. Nevertheless, Fleming still has a strong team that may be able to pick up the slack without Burns around. I mean, come on now, it's not like they're going 4 on 5 against another team; More than likely they'll be playing center and move everyone up one position i.e SF to SG.
Good summary.
Does anyone know of any news of incoming or outgoing transfers?
Bath takes a loss with Roger Newton and his son going to Nicholas. Tyler is an excellent 3-point shooter and ball-handler. Would have been a much needed contributer for Bath this season. Wish both of them the best of luck at Nicholas. There is also big rumor going around that another key player is leaving but I guess no one will know for sure until school starts this week. I will keep on my sources for any updates.
Keegan Sammons has transferred to Knott...
That was the other big rumor I was talking about. Wish him the best of luck and hope he gets eligible.
Not necessarily the best summary when you completely leave Boyd's Bobby Anderson out of the discussion....
Good luck to Sammons at KCC

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