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I watched a 9 and 10 year old game tonight. One of the teams playing had a good fielder at first base along with other good players (first place team in the league!). Every time the other team would get a runner on first they would make the first baseman and the second baseman change places. Every time the runners advanced to second they moved the fielder on over to third. It's my opinion, and I realize everybody has one, that this age group should be more about development than winning and losing. I am not a parent of anyone invoved so this is just an observation. I am a coach and I do believe in teaching kids about winning and losing, but we win as a team and lose as a team. I feel strongly about developing all players to make a better team.
I have coached in developmental leagues, and it is possible to both, play to win and teach at the same time. If coaches have to solely depend on the abilties of a few kids, then they are the right coaches for that kind of league.
I think in LEAGUE games there is waaayyyy too much imphasis put on winning the season... afterall... what does it all boil down too....... ALL STARS!!!! There is too much pressure on the kids and they like to have fun to!! I agree everyone likes to win... but.... you do need to know how to lose gracifully!!!
OOPS... needed to edit my spelling mistakes!! LOL.. emphasis... sorry!!!
phs1986 Wrote:I think in LEAGUE games there is waaayyyy too much imphasis put on winning the season... afterall... what does it all boil down too....... ALL STARS!!!! There is too much pressure on the kids and they like to have fun to!! I agree everyone likes to win... but.... you do need to know how to lose gracifully!!!
I agree. It's good to win in your league during the regular season, but after you win in the tournament, then what? You don't advance anywhere. All-Stars is when everything begins. Let the kids have fun during the season, but at the same time, teach, coach, develop them into "all-star" caliber players so they can play further in to the summer months.
Eagle Pride 90` Wrote:I watched a 9 and 10 year old game tonight. One of the teams playing had a good fielder at first base along with other good players (first place team in the league!). Every time the other team would get a runner on first they would make the first baseman and the second baseman change places. Every time the runners advanced to second they moved the fielder on over to third. It's my opinion, and I realize everybody has one, that this age group should be more about development than winning and losing. I am not a parent of anyone invoved so this is just an observation. I am a coach and I do believe in teaching kids about winning and losing, but we win as a team and lose as a team. I feel strongly about developing all players to make a better team.

Sounds to me like that team is centered around one certain kid. And what does that teach the players exactly??
Gatortater Wrote:Sounds to me like that team is centered around one certain kid. And what does that teach the players exactly??

I have watched a few games in this league and have seen the manager make this switch when a runner is on first and a steal is a possibility. He made this switch with several players, not just one, during different times. Also I was able to see the game between this team, the Cubs, and the Reds. The Reds manager also put his SS in CF and his 1B in RF when the Cubs best hitter came up to bat. It was a strategy. Maybe the Cubs manager is trying to develop a catcher and wanted the best fielder at 2B to apply the tag.
THOMCAT Wrote:I have watched a few games in this league and have seen the manager make this switch when a runner is on first and a steal is a possibility. He made this switch with several players, not just one, during different times. Also I was able to see the game between this team, the Cubs, and the Reds. The Reds manager also put his SS in CF and his 1B in RF when the Cubs best hitter came up to bat. It was a strategy. Maybe the Cubs manager is trying to develop a catcher and wanted the best fielder at 2B to apply the tag.

There is nothing wrong with a little strategy. BUT, what he is telling that child at 2nd and 3rd is that they aren't good enough to make the play. How can you develope any kid if you never give them the chance to make the play? Those kids are there for a reason and that is to play. You have your players attempt to make the play and if they make it then great if they don't, OH WELL. Tell them what they did wrong or right and maybe they make it next time. If you keep moving them, they will never be able to make the play. Moving kids like this is what discourages them and runs them away from the game. LET THEM PLAY. Because if they don't show up for the next game, you can't field a team of just one. Come on Coach, they are just 9 & 10 yr olds.
I like that reply!!
Ridge Runner Wrote:There is nothing wrong with a little strategy. BUT, what he is telling that child at 2nd and 3rd is that they aren't good enough to make the play. How can you develope any kid if you never give them the chance to make the play? Those kids are there for a reason and that is to play. You have your players attempt to make the play and if they make it then great if they don't, OH WELL. Tell them what they did wrong or right and maybe they make it next time. If you keep moving them, they will never be able to make the play. Moving kids like this is what discourages them and runs them away from the game. LET THEM PLAY. Because if they don't show up for the next game, you can't field a team of just one. Come on Coach, they are just 9 & 10 yr olds.

Exactly what I was trying to say. Well said.:Thumbs:
Ridiculous!!! Who's the coach???
Nike Man Wrote:Ridiculous!!! Who's the coach???

Do the parents not "voice" their opinion on this???
If you dont give the kids to ability or even the damn chance, to make plays, they will never make those plays, and never become any better - and you will have a team that has one kid advancing farther than everyone else, and it takes a whole team to win a game, not just one person.

The coach of that teams needs to get his priorities together, and act like a coach, instead of acting like the one players father trying to get a advantage on the other kids.
Cameron Crazy Wrote:If you dont give the kids to ability or even the damn chance, to make plays, they will never make those plays, and never become any better - and you will have a team that has one kid advancing farther than everyone else, and it takes a whole team to win a game, not just one person.

The coach of that teams needs to get his priorities together, and act like a coach, instead of acting like the one players father trying to get a advantage on the other kids.
Hold on now guys, I wasn't trying to bash the coach. I know him personally. He is a good man and in his oppinion he is doing what is right for his team. I do not agree with it at all. As far as him showing favortism toward his kid, that is not the case his child was one of the kids being moved! Since I posted this thread, there have been two or three other instances involving different teams that the same type of thing has happened. The player shifting was used against my team the very next night in an 11/12 year old game. I feel this is a bush move and the thread is to get other oppinions. I just don't feel it would be right to bash the moral character of the coaches when I feel like they are good men with a different view than mine.
Eagle Pride 90` Wrote:Hold on now guys, I wasn't trying to bash the coach. I know him personally. He is a good man and in his oppinion he is doing what is right for his team. I do not agree with it at all. As far as him showing favortism toward his kid, that is not the case his child was one of the kids being moved! Since I posted this thread, there have been two or three other instances involving different teams that the same type of thing has happened. The player shifting was used against my team the very next night in an 11/12 year old game. I feel this is a bush move and the thread is to get other oppinions. I just don't feel it would be right to bash the moral character of the coaches when I feel like they are good men with a different view than mine.

Nor was I bashing the Coach. Nor did I say it was his son. I was just saying "come on Coach". Like I said there is nothing wrong with a little strategy. I just don't believe in trading kids out with other kids positions just because one can catch better than the other. I do believe in using a shift though. If you are facing a batter that is known to always pull the ball, then why not shift your infield and outfield? There is nothing wrong with that. Heck the pros do it all the time and it works. Just don't rob a kid from a chance to make a play by trading him or her out for another kid. That destroys their confidence. If there is one thing kids at that age needs is self confidence and trust. Plus if they do get the chance and make a great play they will remember it for the rest of their lives. God knows I still remember what few I ever had! LOL!!! Just give them the chance Coach and you will feel just as great as they do, when they make that play.:Clap: Heck you may even be amazed!:yikes:
This is messed up
Ridge Runner Wrote:Nor was I bashing the Coach. Nor did I say it was his son. I was just saying "come on Coach". Like I said there is nothing wrong with a little strategy. I just don't believe in trading kids out with other kids positions just because one can catch better than the other. I do believe in using a shift though. If you are facing a batter that is known to always pull the ball, then why not shift your infield and outfield? There is nothing wrong with that. Heck the pros do it all the time and it works. Just don't rob a kid from a chance to make a play by trading him or her out for another kid. That destroys their confidence. If there is one thing kids at that age needs is self confidence and trust. Plus if they do get the chance and make a great play they will remember it for the rest of their lives. God knows I still remember what few I ever had! LOL!!! Just give them the chance Coach and you will feel just as great as they do, when they make that play.:Clap: Heck you may even be amazed!:yikes:
:Thumbs: I agree.
The big problem with a lot of youth league coaches is that they are just too consumed with winning. If you did a little history search, you'd probably find out that half of these guys never even played the game themselves and this is their big chance to hit the athletic bigtime through the efforts of some 9 and 10 year old kids. Yeah , it's good to teach how to win. But in the end when you do stuff like this what have you really won? A game that in two weeks, you would be hard pressed to find a couple of people that could even tell you what the score of the game was.

I personally think that the whole scenerio is ridiculous.
I read this thread with great interest, I just some of my Coaches don't see it. Some will use it to win games (in their opinion) others will use it to showcase a player. In either case, the players being moved are denied an opportunity 1) to make a play and 2) to build their confidence. Regular season should be used for development and fun. The only scorebook that counts is All-Stars and the last time I checked a team consisted of a minimum of 9 NOT 1.
Seems like this manager must have known what he was doing. I have heard that they finished undefeated and mercied both teams in the tournament. If the members of the all stars is what I have heard, he had 5 of the 15 that made it including both the first baseman and second basement that were switched for each other in game situations. Apparently he did not switch a good player for one that could not play. Looks like he did not have a one man team as some in this thead thought. From what I have seen, I would fell honored to have my kid play for him. I was at the championship game and both he and his team acted very professional. It is sad that the same could not be said for the first base coach for the Yankees. Two different times he ran to home plate and got in the umpires face and loudly argued calls. VERY UNPROFESSIONAL.
Shew, too bad that umpire didnt have what it takes to toss that coach. HEHEHE
So how did the CR Babe Ruth All-Stars do at state? I assume they didn't win or something would have been on the radio about it. Does anyone have any info?
14-15 boys went 1-2 and were eliminated.10u girls went 1-2 finished 5th.The 16u girls finished 3rd in state.The 9-10 boys finished 4th.The 12u girls lost in the championship game to Northern Kentucky and finished STATE RUNNER-UP.
i think it should be more focused of preparing the kids for the next level of play....but also you have to teach the kids the importance of winning

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