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Unaffordable care act
TheRealVille Wrote:The facts come from the CBO. Look them up in the link.

I love facts! Check out these facts;

(1) - "( – In a final regulation issued Wednesday (Jan 29), the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.

Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.

The IRS's assumption that the cheapest plan for a family will cost $20,000 per year is found in examples the IRS gives to help people understand how to calculate the penalty they will need to pay the government if they do not buy a mandated health plan." (the cheapest plan is the bronze level plan which pays only 60% of covered health costs) I would think we would do well to note that we are still left with nearly half of health care costs on the table under Za Furer's health care plan.

(2) - Obama 2008 quote: “I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.” In truth, in the years following, my insurance went up from $6,000 to $8,400 on it's way to $20,000 a year.

(3) - Obama said his universal health care bill would not allow for government funded abortions on demand. :please:

Note: List shortened in defference to coming book, LOL.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:oh don't get my wrong i agree
the fact's were Created By One

TheRealThing Wrote:When I was getting ready to turn 16 I applied at McD's. The result? I soon learned how great it was to be able to buy a few things I wanted, on my own. Clothes and eventually a car. Then believe it or not I financed my own college education, working right there at good old McDonalds. (that was before federal aid) Working never hurt anybody, It is usually, on the contrary, a character building prerequisite to a self sufficient life style. On the other hand, if one starts off his life dodging work, sitting around killing zombies, on a diet of Mt Dew and twinkies, he will likely never rise up out of the ranks of those whose only identifying credential is their hard luck story and manage to accomplish nothing more than becoming a life long, cradle to grave, entitlement statistic. And as has been mentioned in another thread, the liberals will stay huddled in a circle singing Kum bah ya and crying, because of the plight of the poor.

This is the best post I think I have read on this site. There is not a damn thing wrong with working i know plenty of people that have made careers out of a first job and are doing well for themselves they arent pulling in six figure incomes but they are living in a house they own, and driving a car they own all because of the "evil" wal-mart. If you work hard it doesnt matter where you work you can find success. Unfortunately alot of people think a degree in liberal arts entitles them to a six figure income. Last time I checked the american dream is working for a living and owning a piece of land and a house.
[YOUTUBE="Ryan finally tells the truth"]LT3Px11xN-0[/YOUTUBE]
TheRealVille Wrote:[YOUTUBE="Ryan finally tells the truth"]LT3Px11xN-0[/YOUTUBE]

I don't have to ask if that's the best you got, I already know it is.

I like this one better.

PaintsvilleTigerfan Wrote:This is the best post I think I have read on this site. There is not a damn thing wrong with working i know plenty of people that have made careers out of a first job and are doing well for themselves they arent pulling in six figure incomes but they are living in a house they own, and driving a car they own all because of the "evil" wal-mart. If you work hard it doesnt matter where you work you can find success. Unfortunately alot of people think a degree in liberal arts entitles them to a six figure income. Last time I checked the american dream is working for a living and owning a piece of land and a house.

Much appreciated Tigerfan
TheRealVille Wrote:[YOUTUBE="Ryan finally tells the truth"]LT3Px11xN-0[/YOUTUBE]

ryan telling the truth not bad da
you cant find ne videos of obama telling the truth
conservatives actually look for the meat and potatos of the argument
the numbers, the facts, what is going on
liberals just like to look for little gaphes instead of
actually paying attention to the argument as a whole
WideMiddle03 Wrote:conservatives actually look for the meat and potatos of the argument
the numbers, the facts, what is going on
liberals just like to look for little gaphes st likinstead of
actually paying attention to the argument as a whole

They're forever looking for the easy out. Find the any little glitch, no matter how trivial and make a mountain out of it. You know the same mentality lawyers use to get a client off on a technicality. Winning, or the perception of winning, is everything to them. Right and wrong are therefore completely subjective.
TheRealThing Wrote:They're forever looking for the easy out. Find the any little glitch, no matter how trivial and make a mountain out of it. You know the same mentality lawyers use to get a client off on a technicality. Winning, or the perception of winning, is everything to them. Right and wrong are therefore completely subjective.

liberals don't want to work so they get there money from the government
they also believe in a free thinking system
they dont want to think, so they take advantage of the free "links" that feed them full of bs

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