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East Ky Recruiting
Im so tired of everyon crying on here about teams in East Ky recruiting. This is something that has been going on for yrs across the state and now that we are seeing more of it in the mountains everybody wants to cry about it. Heck Trinity won the title last yr and thats pretty much a prep school so if its ok for teams like that to do it then why not let the other schools so they can try to stay on same level playing field. If a kid wants to leave a school and go to another because they have better talent and a better chance of playing for a title then more power to them.
Yeah, starting a thread on a message board will put a halt to all of the conversation. Good idea.
^ lol
Yeah, because teaching your children how to earn something is way overrated too. lol.
Too funny lol.
Keep laughing at me guys and crying over transfers. Fact is this happens all over the state and winning programs in all sports have done it for yrs but I make a comment and everybody wants to laugh.
You openly admit mountain teams recruit, you do get that part don't you? Ain't nobody dumber than people. That's for sure.
UPIKEFAN Wrote:You openly admit mountain teams recruit, you do get that part don't you? Ain't nobody dumber than people. That's for sure.
Yes Mountain teams and all other teams recruit. Its been going on for yrs so whats your point?
UPIKEFAN Wrote:Yeah, starting a thread on a message board will put a halt to all of the conversation. Good idea.

This is my favorite post of yours
Ummm, well, if the statement that most other schools recruit too is true, I don't know that as a fact, and one reason I don't is becasue fans/those in the know aren't getting on message boards talking/bragging about it all the time the way some of the mountian schools seem to do. Some of the things that are knowingly going on defy belief, at least to me. And just because someone else may be doing it doesn't make it any less wrong that another is doing it, justyfing bad behavior by pointing out someone else's bad behavior doesn't float. And let me end by saying sure, there are some other schools outside of the mountians that recruit, but I don't think it near as wide spread a problem as the original poster suggests.
Recruit? For every coach that trying to recruit a kid you have five daddy's trying to shop his kid to the highest bidder.....
raisedseams Wrote:Yeah, because teaching your children how to earn something is way overrated too. lol.

Personally, if my child was an elite talent I would want them playing with an against elite talent if at all possible. You know, playing somewhere that they really had to earn the PT. Playing somewhere that ever time they hit the floor or field they left a better player. It can only make them better as a player and person. With that said, do I think recruiting goes on at all levels I'm sure it does to some degree. I personally think that most of the negative talk on this site is simply about kids transfering to better themselves and their chances. If I had children who could play at an elite level I would hope I could facilitate an opportunity to play and compete at an elite level. I would want them to have to earn it against the best everyday. That sounds like earning something special to me. Disgruntled parents and family need to take a step back because Johnny Jr lost some PT because some kid transfered. Work harder. Not everyone gets a sports trophy. Life is full of adversity and it isnt always fair. Learn from it. As always just the opinion of an outsider looking in. Go to work on my post basement trolls.
Joneslab Wrote:Personally, if my child was an elite talent I would want them playing with an against elite talent if at all possible. You know, playing somewhere that they really had to earn the PT. Playing somewhere that ever time they hit the floor or field they left a better player. It can only make them better as a player and person. With that said, do I think recruiting goes on at all levels I'm sure it does to some degree. I personally think that most of the negative talk on this site is simply about kids transfering to better themselves and their chances. If I had children who could play at an elite level I would hope I could facilitate an opportunity to play and compete at an elite level. I would want them to have to earn it against the best everyday. That sounds like earning something special to me. Disgruntled parents and family need to take a step back because Johnny Jr lost some PT because some kid transfered. Work harder. Not everyone gets a sports trophy. Life is full of adversity and it isnt always fair. Learn from it. As always just the opinion of an outsider looking in. Go to work on my post basement trolls.

We are talking about high school athletics, not AAU ball. If some of these parents are shopping their kids all over eastern Ky they are not doing it to make their kids a better player, they are doing it to stack a team to make it easier to win. If you put the 10 best players from the mountains on the same team, with a pathetic coach, how is that making them better? If 1 or 2 teams are recruiting the best players to their school, isn't that taking away competition that they would be playing against? If someone chooses to shop their kids around or want them on the best team possible, regardless if they are happy, then so be it. I dont have a problem with that at all. But to act like parents are doing it to make the kids better players is absurd. I just think its better to have each kid work their hardest at whatever they choose to do, and not be looking for the easy way out. Chances of any kid in Ky going pro is basically 0%. Chances of going to a D1 school is very slim. So the lessons they are taught (or not taught.) are going to stick with them and carry them a lot further than any high school trophy they can win.
There was a high school coach that said one time that "he didn't have to recruit, good players wanted to play for great programs", it just becomes a cycle after that.
OldSchoolTiger Wrote:There was a high school coach that said one time that "he didn't have to recruit, good players wanted to play for great programs", it just becomes a cycle after that.

I think you just proved a lot of my previous post!
raisedseams Wrote:We are talking about high school athletics, not AAU ball. If some of these parents are shopping their kids all over eastern Ky they are not doing it to make their kids a better player, they are doing it to stack a team to make it easier to win. If you put the 10 best players from the mountains on the same team, with a pathetic coach, how is that making them better? If 1 or 2 teams are recruiting the best players to their school, isn't that taking away competition that they would be playing against? If someone chooses to shop their kids around or want them on the best team possible, regardless if they are happy, then so be it. I dont have a problem with that at all. But to act like parents are doing it to make the kids better players is absurd. I just think its better to have each kid work their hardest at whatever they choose to do, and not be looking for the easy way out. Chances of any kid in Ky going pro is basically 0%. Chances of going to a D1 school is very slim. So the lessons they are taught (or not taught.) are going to stick with them and carry them a lot further than any high school trophy they can win.

I don't think elite players in "the mountains" are in process of a mass exodus to a mysterious "stacked, team" with a terrible coach just to sit back and win. That is absurd. However, if a player has the opportunity to transfer and compete on a higher level during practice and games than congratulations. Find me a player that would say no to that! That just means more chances for a free education.
Letcher Central DOES NOT recruit!!! so DO NOT say ALL mountains team recruit!!
happyfeet Wrote:Letcher Central DOES NOT recruit!!! so DO NOT say ALL mountains team recruit!!
Maybe they should start recruiting.
Letcher had a ton of kids to come out to tryouts...why deny THOSE kids the chance to play over someone not from here just because they may be better...I think as long as you have kids that WANT to play for a team and they don't have to be recruited/bribed to play, then they should be chosen first...just saying...
The 14th region is the worst for recruiting in the mts. which means they usually have the better teams. Recruiting is not too bad in E Ky. Look at central KY (Scott Co.) does it all the time. They have jobs to offer at Toyota! Perry and Hazard both have had success because of recruiting. More power to them. They still can't get past the 2nd round of the state tournament. They get "out recruited" by the others like trinity, and Scott co.
LCC, doesn't have a coach anyone wants to play for, the guy is a jerk plain and simple, now if Johnson was the head coach it would be different all the kids love to play for him, that can't be said for Hammonds!!!!!
Joneslab Wrote:I don't think elite players in "the mountains" are in process of a mass exodus to a mysterious "stacked, team" with a terrible coach just to sit back and win. That is absurd. However, if a player has the opportunity to transfer and compete on a higher level during practice and games than congratulations. Find me a player that would say no to that! That just means more chances for a free education.

The best chance, and most realistic chance for a free education is to work with your child on academics. There are a lot of 25 point per game scorers in high school that end up paying for part or all of their college--but if the end up with a 4.0 and a 30 on the A.C.T. they are going to school for free. Very few get a full ride for sports.
Amen. Norm!

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