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Mexico to start a Space Program.
Does this make anyone else wonder WHY?

I mean its not like they don't have everyone trying to leave the country due to the economy and conditions so they're going to pour a ton of money into a space program. :dontthink
first mexican space shuttle = rockets strapped to an Elcamino
I think there will be some mexicans tryin to hitch a ride across the border on the shuttle!
First animal on the mexican space shuttle= the taco bell dog lol
Well I guess their can't be too many satelites in space?
corndog23 Wrote:I think there will be some mexicans tryin to hitch a ride across the border on the shuttle!
:lmao: good one
corndog23 Wrote:I think there will be some mexicans tryin to hitch a ride across the border on the shuttle!

That's what I was thinking, don't they got enough problems??
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
blackcatfan_48 Wrote:First animal on the mexican space shuttle= the taco bell dog lol

:thumpsup: Good one!
This is just a plan to get more Mexicans across our borders. Once over they will find cheap jobs and send our money back to Mexico to help the space program, which in turn will ship over more Mexicans. I say every Mexican rocket that crosses our skies needs shot down...

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