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ESPN's show UNITE just called uk the worst...
football team in the country.

they did throw in arkansas also, but I think i would rather be in the middle going nowhere than to be called the worst on national tv.. or cable tv.. or whatever the hell you call ESPNU
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
They cant be the worst yet , they beat Kent St. lol
Calling it like it is!!!
Man the truth hurts !

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Sad part is, last year I think their offense was ranked 118. Didn't think it could get any worse than that, but it just did...
judgementday Wrote:Sad part is, last year I think their offense was ranked 118. Didn't think it could get any worse than that, but it just did...

Well technically if Max Smith plays their offensive isn’t that bad, but their Defense sucks
With Max Smith their offense is "bad"
zaga_fan Wrote:With Max Smith their offense is "bad"

So you rather have Newton over Smith? Your Insane:biglmao:
shelbyvalley02 Wrote:So you rather have Newton over Smith? Your Insane:biglmao:

#1) you're*
#2) Did I say that?
#3) With Max Smith the offense is "bad". With Morgan Newton the offense is "horrible".
It took us two and a half quarters to pull away from Kent State...

Max Smith threw 4 picks against WKU...

We were all on here fighting about the QB spot this offseason but IMO we need to put in the Freshman and get him some experience for next year. If we are fine with letting Max Smith chuck up ducks against Western and it's cool to let Morgan Newton finish a game with less than 50 yards - I don't see why we can't roll with a Frosh.
zaga_fan Wrote:It took us two and a half quarters to pull away from Kent State...

Max Smith threw 4 picks against WKU...

We were all on here fighting about the QB spot this offseason but IMO we need to put in the Freshman and get him some experience for next year. If we are fine with letting Max Smith chuck up ducks against Western and it's cool to let Morgan Newton finish a game with less than 50 yards - I don't see why we can't roll with a Frosh.

I’m not saying not to start a Freshmen , but I rather have Smith any day compare to Newton . Also against WKU some of those picks were the receiver fault for not running their routes correctly . :ChairHit:
I already knew we were one of the worst.. but hearing it on espn hurt my feelings.. and if you give kent st another shot, i bet the game is a lot closer.. same result, but a lot closer..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
I can agree with this.

However, im still extremely surprised that there are some posters that will support this coach and lousy team to the very end Confusednicker:
Uk football is truly the laughing stock of the SEC..... We have the lowest paid coach and a spoiled rotten pretty boy for an Athletic Director! We also have fans than just simply accept it and do not demand anyhting better mainly IMO because we have a great basketball program? It seems like fans are afraid to demand anyhting out of our football program because they are afraid that somehow it might take away from the basketball program? So while WVU, Louisville and WKU build both a solid football and basketball program we sit back and in true Chicken Shit fashion just accept being an SEC laughing stock and choose to not demand a sincere effort by the University to provide us a winning football program that we can be proud of? It makes me sick!

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