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Who's Better South Floyd or Piarist School
Who is better?
I haven't watched either this year.. when do they play?
South Floyd
South Floyd is not that bad. You posted the best joke ever though. I can give ya props for that!
Why is there such a post?
They don't play this season.. I say South Floyd would win though
This is a stupid thread, why waste time on posting something like this, If I was a mod this would be gone
ur not though so dont post if u thinkits stupid just leave it alone and go on.Anyway if i had to say id say SF but not by much untill they find someone to coach them other than t.issacs.
south floyd
Allen Central beat South Floyd by around 10 more than they did Piarist.. i don't know if it was because they played JV more in the Piarist game or what though
i'm ddefinately going with sf
SF they rlly need a new HEAD coach than T.Isaac...i feel so srry 4 those gurlz cuz they want it so bad and hussle but they r being tought the wrong things... these r the same girls that were awesome when they were in m.s. so wat has happened??
answ: T. Isaac
i totally agree with candlewax167 they was good in m.s. and t.i. has made them what they r now
I take it that this isn't the Tony Isaac Fan Club Home Page???? lol
I would say the Bears
i would say ur wrong..... sf by far even with the coach we got right now. crappy
let me think........????????????............ SOUTH FLOYD!!!!!
South Floyd

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