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Letcher Central 53 Breathitt 44
Lady Cougars on their way to Bowling Green. 
Way to go L.C.C.!  And More Congrats to Coach Dickie Adams!  Well deserving!
Congratulations Letcher Central and Coach Adams..Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think he has ever won the big region..What a great accomplishment for such a deserving coach!
It is so nice for Letcher Central to have their girls go to state in their first year of existence.  I hope this is the first of many to come.  They are well deserving of it, they have went from 3 high schools to one and couldn't have done a better job of doing it.  A big part of that goes to Coach Adams and his staff.  Dickie Adams is one of the best coaches in the mountains, and along with Coach Napier of PCC, probably one of the best coaches in the 14th region.  Those girls have worked so hard for this and it has finally payed off..  It is only fair to comment on how good the Breathitt County team is as well.  Colette Cole speaks for herself, and the rest of the team is wonderful ball players..  It was a well played, well fought for game.  Either team deserved it.  However, I was shocked at the way Breathitt County's student section acted during the game.  I know students are going to be students and it's natural to cheer for your school, but some of the things they was doing was uncalled for.  They had to have police stand in front of them to contain them.  They was constantly shouting "f--- you" or "G-D" and trying to call out fights with the Letcher Central student section..  After the game Breathitt Counties students stood outside trying to pick fights with Letcher Countians, that is just uncalled for.  But anyways, congratulations to Letcher Central and Breathitt County for two good seasons.  Best of luck to Colette Cole at EKU, and best of luck to Letcher Central in the Sweet 16 next week!
[glow=red,2,300]CONGRATS!!!! Lady Cougars! [/glow]

How did the team do??

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