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Obama Proposes pre-1967 borders for Israel/Palestine
TheRealThing Wrote:I take it then that you agree with me. When the left is engaged in character assassination against folks like Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman, and the entire tea party movement. Every republican alive, and some that are dead, like Ronald Reagan, anybody that believes the bible is the true revelation of God and christianity/christians in general or has the audacity to take a stand against abortion on demand. That with folks like this since serious character flaws don't really exist they have to come up with lies and misrepresentations about them in order to diminish them and desparage them to the electorate?

Like the time that black Congressman Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo) was supposedly spat upon by a Tea Party protester who was yelling "kill the Bill" as his entourage passed by going up the steps at the Capitol. I've watched the video enough times to know there was no spitting going on. Sometimes coaches spit on a player when they are yelling at him for something, maybe that could have happened. But to say Cleaver was spat on is a lie. The way Cleaver sort of batted at the air suggests that was probably what happened to me. A cash reward was offered to anyone who could provide proof and of course no one ever could. The main stream media still raved on and on about it though. Cleaver himself seeing an opportunity, alledged that he had in fact been spat upon but the video clearly contradicts that claim.

How about the one where George Bush is dumb and Mr. Obama is smart even though W"s transcripts indicate he got better grades in school than the cerebral Mr. Obama. I believe a good example of dumb is borrowing money from China so we can feather the bed of the Muslim Brotherhood by giving it to them, now that's dumb right there I don't care who you are. Then there is the claim that the republicans are going to make drastic cuts to medicare. The truth is that they're proposing a 70% increase for the coming decade but to a liberal democrat that is an opportunity to say that deep cuts are coming when in fact all they're saying is, let's just reduce the increases by 30% till we get spending under control. But alas, in the mind of the liberal democrat it far better to send the country into the crapper under the steady hand of democrat than to thrive under republican leadership.

It depends on what your definition of is is, I know. When the democratic caucus sends out orders to call everyone that wants to cut spending a right wing extremist,( Paul Ryan comes to mind), you know lying is ok in their mind. I've been watching and listening to these guys for several decades. I remember Al Gore refering to Bob Dole's plan to eliminate the IRS as a "risky scheme". I remember Bill Clinton coming into office with our economy so well healed he was able to ride the coat tails of Mr. Reagan's legacy to say that he created a surplus in the treasury, of course the money was never really there, it was a creative accounting practice. At any rate, it was the Reagan policies that righted this ship, I was there.

I said this before, the idea is to get people so confused, or scared, that the only choice they will seemingly think they have at the voting booth is to vote for the ones that promise no matter what happens they won't cut entitlements. Creating this boiling pot of controversy will destroy us. At some point people are bound to wake up and most of the liberals are going to be sent home. But don't worry they can spend the rest of their careers in law to send our country into anarchy by dessimating the court system and consequently the rule of law in that way.

Im Glad The republicans never attacked Obama Personally. Or Al Gore, Or Clinton....

There both Equally Stupid, On one hand, Obama Wasted Money, Bush Wasted Lives. One can be replaced.

YEs lets not give Clinton Credit. :please:
I don't think defending Israel has to deal with politics. It seems that most of us here, both republicans and democrats, support Israel.

Hopefully, we will stand with Israel like we have in the past.
Deathstar 80 Wrote:I don't think defending Israel has to deal with politics. It seems that most of us here, both republicans and democrats, support Israel.

Hopefully, we will stand with Israel like we have in the past.

I think that the Democrats and Republicans politicians will. I feel that PAC money raised will see this done on both sides.

However, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I don't think it is the United States business to tell another country how to do anything. I don't believe we should be the police dog of the world.

However, do I think we should protect Israel? I think we arm them and wish them the best. That is about how far I am willing to go. Israel can and will take care of itself, just like we would. I think the six day war proved that. Why then should it be my business what they do? Again, I am for trading them weapons, even if it is an unfair trade for us. But to say they should do this or that, or the Palestian government to do this or that is wrong for the U.S. to do.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Im Glad The republicans never attacked Obama Personally. Or Al Gore, Or Clinton....

There both Equally Stupid, On one hand, Obama Wasted Money, Bush Wasted Lives. One can be replaced.

YEs lets not give Clinton Credit. :please:
WHAT? the current administration still has troops in Iraq and increased troops in Afghanistan plus started a new attack on Libya. If you can make that statement about President Bush you can also make that statement with President Obama
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Im Glad The republicans never attacked Obama Personally. Or Al Gore, Or Clinton....

There both Equally Stupid, On one hand, Obama Wasted Money, Bush Wasted Lives. One can be replaced.

YEs lets not give Clinton Credit. :please:

WOW, where to start? Obama hasn't stopped his assault on those accross the aisle since WAY before he took the oath. I challenge you or anyone else, to cite a speech he has made on US soil that he didn't villanize the republicans as the cause of all our problems. I mean, here we have the leader of the free world, a man of ultimate integrity, and representing a nation known for it's moral compass being calibrated pretty darn close, acting like a spoiled brat and blame fixing. Hard to believe.

Al Gore, this one was a joke right?

Clinton, what do you want to give him credit for? He did weaken the military and turn the CIA into a world wide joke. I'll give him that. And he showed the left how to say anything, no matter how rediculous, with conviction on camera. Still in all, I'm not saying he was a bad president. Matter of fact, if it were possible to forget all his liberal leaning govenmental invasions into our personal lives, one could make the case he was a good president. But, like the liberal educator can't resist political activism in the classrooms from elementary school through college, and can't resist mocking those with faith in God as idiots, or pushing the alternative life style as pefectly acceptable, the theory of evolution as fact, ect. Bill Clinton couldn't govern without pushing his moral ambiguity upon the nation. And it thoroughly inundated and defiled his legacy.

Finally in epilogue, not only did Obama waste money, he put policy in place that will lead to the financial ruin of this country. The jet-siphon drain on your and my money headed up by Tim Geithner and defended by both the House and Senate liberal mental midgets, won't quit slurping up the cash till there's nothing left to slurp. The American way of life, has defined itself for over 200 year through peacetime and war, boon and yes, some bust. The point is this we don't need change, we need to stay the course, leave on the horse that brung us. The truth, and hard work, and integrity are what define us. Not borrowing money from China and others, what is it now 4 and a half billion we borrow a day? Only to immediately turn around and try to buy power around the globe by giving it to criminals. We've got to be better than that.
^ The one on wasting lives I thought to save for later so, here goes.

Maybe you are familiar with the War Powers Act of 1972. This action passed both the House and Senate but was vetoed by Richard Nixon. After which, both houses overrode the veto by a two thirds majority. EVERY president has at least acknowedged himself to be bound by this law which, keeps the president from involving this nation in a war without the approval of Congress. Congress has a vested interest because they are the entity that has the authority to declare war and the responsibility to fund same. Both of the Bushes asked congress for permission to use force in their military endeavours. In fact, George W had resounding congressional support.
Want to take a stab at the identity of the president that did not go before the congress of the United States to ask permission? It wasn't Clinton, even he handled his military incursions correctly. Obama is the one that sidestepped the congress in military action against Lybia.

Why no outcry for the ages? Because many of those same democrats that have desparaged H and W are still in office and they are certainly not going to remain true to law if it is going to hurt a democratic president. So, he gets a pass. How about the gentleman from New York, Charles B Rangle? Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee. Doesn't pay taxes and doesn't suffer any real punishment for it. In the same manner in which the liberal troops rallied around Bill Clinton during his impeachment proceedings they circle the wagons for their own. But, "hell hath no fury" like that seen coming from these same democrats if they get a conservative republican in their crosshairs.

So, if Bush wasted lives he had the full support of the left, which makes them just as big a party to it guiltwise. This is all a matter of public record and the dems shouldn't be able to get by with their smearing tactics but, with the support of the main stream liberal media the only ones left to expose them are the republicans and conservative right. So who are the left's main targets? Making any sense yet?

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