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Playstation2 or XBOX?
Which video game console do u like the best?
I would have to say PS2.... I have always liked the PS2 more than xbox.
I like the Xbox a lot better and most people do if they give it a chance...People complain about the controller a lot when it's not even that confusing at all...Graphics also blow PS2 away..
I have both and I like both but I just like PS2 better..... But Halo and Halo 2 where great games for xbox
XBox = Unlimited possibilities....Confusedhh:
ive own the PS2 and XBOX and i would have to say the sytems a long are not that much differnt and to say the least i think it depends on the game for the system like GTA games are horrible fo xbox and ps2 they are great but i would have to say i am neutral........used to be ps2 till i got xbox so its 50 50 now......

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