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Best fullback from the mountains?
Blake Johnson w/o a shadow of a doubt
Dustin May - Belfry
zach garrett hazard
from what i can tell, Robert Shurtleff looks to be the best FB to come out of the mountains these past couple years
Blake Johnson is a one man creckin crew
PantherBlitz42 Wrote:from what i can tell, Robert Shurtleff looks to be the best FB to come out of the mountains these past couple years

No doubt Robert was good but that's an awfully bold statement.
Dustin May is a realy hard runner and is not afraid to hit.... But on the other hand John Johnson and Brenton Hamilton are just tanks. I played against all 3 of them this year and they where all good runners.
please i would take the power and down hill running style of blake johnson from jc over hamilton any day.
I would have to say Brenton Hamilition who graduated Prestonsburg this past season
blake johnson and fields davis
Wes Lafferty from knott central
Travis Bartley of ER.
Jeff Arnett Magoffin 2002
Curtis Bradley 05 this kid makes sum good play every game

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