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Bad Sportsmanship
I saw the most classless act last night from Boyle County off all my years in coaching... When EJ came out of the locker room there were fans on both sides of the sidewalk. I am was there just to watch the game and I have never seen sportsmanship so bad. These fans were throwing things at the team, chanting and talking pretty harshly. Cussing at the players should never be tolerated by authorities. Now given there were Boyle County Sher right there, I guess this is an every game thing. Just dont see how they proud themselves from this act. If I was bringing my team to Boyle and they did this to my team, we would turn around and leave. My kids would not have anything to do with people of this caliber no matter what the outcome would be..This actually has made my opinion of there program change pretty drastically. If I were Boyle County I would feel ashamed.....Anyone else had their team face this kind off thing at Boyle??
If you are a coach, why post this here? It seems more fitting to have your AD call their AD, or you reach out to their coach????
Well, STARDUST if you read my post throughly then you would see my team has never been there. So why would my AD call Boyle??? Plus if your going to have police guarding the field they should provide equel protection to both teams.
I was also there as a casual observer and follower of football in the central KY area and although I did not witness the throwing of objects, I heard many, less than complimentary, remarks aimed at the visiting team. I would define Boyle's fans as rabid. Great team but sort of a bunch of rednecks.
OffensiveGuru Wrote:I was also there as a casual observer and follower of football in the central KY area and although I did not witness the throwing of objects, I heard many, less than complimentary, remarks aimed at the visiting team. I would define Boyle's fans as rabid. Great team but sort of a bunch of rednecks.
You chose your screen name well. Why not distinguish between Boyle County's team and a number of its fans? Your last sentence says that the Boyle players are a bunch of rednecks, whether that was your intent or not. Every team's fan base includes its share of rednecks. Schools with good administrations make sure that they are shown the exit when they act up. That is one thing that I am proud of Johnson Central for. They always have a team of administrators watching for unruly fans.
the only thing I heard from the parents was BLACK--GOLD..don't know where u heard anything else at..actually I heard a few parents wish them a good game..u must been at another game,not the one I attended
My apologies to the Boyle players. They are a talented team with a bunch of good football players. Their fans, in general, acted like rednecks. If these fans included parents/relatives of the players, I hope the bad behavior doesn't rub off on them. I will be more selective in my use of grammar moving forward.
SVU, I clearly ask in my previous post if any other teams had faced this type of action?? I do not need to hear a rebuttle from Boyle County fans. As for what you heard, you cant speak for a couple hundred people. I know what I heard and what I saw. Maybe you were yelling Black and Gold but that does not mean other fans were. So in response to you, Are you sure you wasnt sitting on the couch at home yelling black and gold?? lol.. Dont take this post personal cause these things did happen.. Just try working on them... :popcorn:
I am surprised the Boyle Co acted up.
We had to play them and they thumped us pretty good, but their fans were first class.
Mountain Coach I do not wish to verbally spar with you. However I was at the game last night and you are wrong. There was nothing thrown at the opposing players. We line up and welcome our boys to the field every game. We chant Black/Gold Black/Gold which are the team colors. I did witness one mother ask the principal if it would be possible to bring the opposing team onto the field in a different area. The next week after the conversation more fence was placed around the field. You can say what you want about us being classless, rednecks, etc.I really could not care less what you think. In the future when you and your staff are completeng your schedule please keep your kids in a safe enviroment do not bring them to a hostile Rebel Nation. Oh and that was not the Boyle County Sherrifs Department To help with the confusion that was security provided by the Boyle County School District.:thanks:
Mountain Coach Wrote:I saw the most classless act last night from Boyle County off all my years in coaching... When EJ came out of the locker room there were fans on both sides of the sidewalk. I am was there just to watch the game and I have never seen sportsmanship so bad. These fans were throwing things at the team, chanting and talking pretty harshly. Cussing at the players should never be tolerated by authorities. Now given there were Boyle County Sher right there, I guess this is an every game thing. Just dont see how they proud themselves from this act. If I was bringing my team to Boyle and they did this to my team, we would turn around and leave. My kids would not have anything to do with people of this caliber no matter what the outcome would be..This actually has made my opinion of there program change pretty drastically. If I were Boyle County I would feel ashamed.....Anyone else had their team face this kind off thing at Boyle??

I set at that end of the stadium,and i got there at 7:00 both teams were already on the field.if what you say happened it happened befor i got there,because it didnt happen after i got there.maybe some of the Boyle rednecks as you call em were still a little upset over East beating our goal post with a sledge hammer at the last game.what did you think about East running thru our cheerleaders on our side of the field when they came on the field instead of going around the end of the field to there side like most teams do.oh yea the lead player had a toy sledge hammer shaking it at our fans.i didnt hear any bad language,but if there was maybe they deserved it.cause they surely ask for it.maybe you should know the whole story before you start bashing a teams fanbase,and if you dont like us Boyle co. rednecks dont come back to any of our games.:ChairHit:
I think they treated Bell County pretty badly last year as well. I'd look for the favor to be returned when/if Boyle comes to Bell. From what I have heard hospitality will be at a
Boyle County's fans and parents lost their perspective years ago, and speaking merely as an outside observer, their priorities are significantly skewed.

When they play Bell County in a couple weeks, I'll be seriously conflicted because I'll be rooting for both of them to lose.
OffensiveGuru Wrote:My apologies to the Boyle players. They are a talented team with a bunch of good football players. Their fans, in general, acted like rednecks. If these fans included parents/relatives of the players, I hope the bad behavior doesn't rub off on them. I will be more selective in my use of grammar moving forward.

Lets see, if you dont like our behavior dont come back its as simple as that.
Im so tired of the classless bit. Did you not get the response you wanted on the other site? Classless was bringing a sledgehammer to our new field and hitting our goalpost last game and what was that classy banner your friends had in the stands? REDNECK? Im from Jessamine County-so dont go there. And as far as the chanting? Its called the Rebel walk we chant black and gold and throw popcorn instead of confetti at our boys and many of our fans wished your boys goodluck. Stop acting like sore loser and posting everywhere how classless we are. HEY POT MEET KETTLE!!!

I remember hearing about the Bell County incident. You people can argue all you want but you have no class. I guess a bunch of adults crowding the sidewalk from both sides trying to intimidate kids is something you pride yourself in. But that's classless. I am grown man but I don't have a good time by going out in public and yelling at kids. I guess you would have to loose your class to do that...:1:
Either disucss this in an adult manner OR it will be closed. Situtations like this DO happen at games and should be discussed if it can be done in a way suitable of adults, not childish banter! I'm in no way saying it did as I wasn't there but have witnessed things such as this at various fields/stadiums/gymnasiums. Please, this is the only warning you will receive, keep it on topic and keep the verbal attacks out of it! We all have opinions!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Yeah, I was at the Rebel Walk last night and fans were chanting black and gold as the East Jessamine came down OUR walkway. Maybe visiting teams should approach the field from somewhere other than OUR walkway from OUR locker room. Do you want to talk about the things EJ players were saying to our fans as they walked down OUR walkway or is this only about what some of our fans allegedly said? I didn't hear any of our fans say anything crazy to anyone on your team but I can only speak for those I was standing next to in the area I was at. To lump all fans in one group is wrong. Every school has unruly and classless fans. Such as the ones who had the sign u[ behind the EJ bench that stated "we brought our HAMMER to (small print words I couldn't read) in the SLAMMER" Care to tell us what that sign said?
This one is done! And... for all of those out there who are very defensive about this situtation...... Remember, karma will come back full force IF it did happen from either side!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:

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