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June Buchanan 113 David School 34
i think that stepp boy is overrated he is a good driver an can run on the fast break but he cant play half court offense he has no shot what so ever....hes a great penatrater an has the moves to get to he basket
Shame on JBS for beating David by 79
"Falcons#23BS" Wrote:i think that stepp boy is overrated he is a good driver an can run on the fast break but he cant play half court offense he has no shot what so ever....hes a great penatrater an has the moves to get to he basket

I have never seen him play but I heard he is pretty good...someone told me is young, what grade is he in? JB should have some good teams coming up.
we did pretty good passin an stuff but they can shoot....
"alfus21" Wrote:Shame on JBS for beating David by 79

Actually they didn't do all that bad. The other night they only scored 6 points agaist someone.
i mean yea he is good ill give him that but he cant shoot hes more of a penatrator hes just a sophmore give him a few more years he'll be unstoppable
all i got to say is David kepe trying it may not be this year but next year you will have experience and will be able to beet some teams if you work hard in the off season.
stepp shoots his arm off thats it
i agree golfman
Who scored for David?
"golfman42" Wrote:stepp shoots his arm off thats it

He is just like his uncle that went to Phelps for 2 years. I believe his name was Ervin. They claimed ervin averaged 6o some odd points a game his senior year and i know people who went to those games his senior year and they still say he took 100 shots trying to get that and they claim up and down that Clark will be and is just like his uncle and you cant change that. If it is in your blood to shoot then it is but you have to pass too. Shooting is not going to get you anywhere. Hey take the 55 district tournament last year. Jackson city beat Stepp. They didnt beat JBS they beat STEPP. So either STEPP it up or go home.
blake stumbo had 13 joe tiller had 6 or 8 nathan had 5 steffon had 4 paul had 3 and alex had 3
i think that is the biggest blow out i think i have ever seen
so ur sayin its bigger then the one SV give to us your crazy
congrats JBS and keep workin hard David and it will all start to work.
JBS did a good job, letting David school score . These boys came to play ball and JBS let them do as good as they could. They are not a little meek ball team, nor should they be. #32 grabbed a JBS player who is 6'3" and 280lbs. and threw him to the floor. He just got up laughing. Stepp is not the only player JBS has. JBS has a 8th grader who is very good and out scores Stepp when he needs to. JBS has a 6'8" freshman that is still growing and is great on defence.

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