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Somerset/ Martha Layne Collins (Scrimmage)
Anyone have any word on how this game went?
It got called about half way through the hour along with the rest of The Grid due to temperature. Three kids from 3 different schools went down due to heat in about a 10 minute span and play was ended. It was the 2nd segment of a 3 hour scrimmage. Neither MLC or Somerset moved the ball on the ground. MLC had scored twice and thrown an interception on their 3 possesions (it was a 10 plays apiece format where they moved the ball but didn't keep up with first downs) Somerset had scored once and also thrown an interception. With the heat both teams had subbed down from the first hour of the scrimmage when MLC went up against Frankfort and Somerset against East Jessamine.
^Scary situation, luckily it seems all of the players fully recovered from the heat.
Would it not be much safer and better for all if these pre-season scrimmages were started @ 07:30pm?
It would, but they had it set up where there were 3 different fields so 3 scrimmages could go on at the same time. The facility that was used didn't have lights.
I was surprised that they played at all. It was hot at 9:00 am Saturday.

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