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Breathitt Co. 61 - Letcher Co. Central 54 (14th Region Semi-Finals)

14th Region Semi-Finals


Breathitt Co. 61 Letcher Co. Central 54

Breathitt Co. 14 9 20 18 61

Letcher Co. Central
6 7 14 27 54

Breathitt Co. (22-7) -- Noble 26, Spencer 11, Shouse 8, Keeton 9, Bowen 4, Fugate 2.

Letcher Co. Central (25-5) -- Bays 3, Sexton 19, Whitaker 7, Meade 8, Eldridge 17.
Noble wills her team to a victory! Congrats Breathitt County!
Great Job for BREATHITT CO. we knew they`d pull it off in the end...Whoever heard of calling a foul after time-outs been called by the team. Coach Moore is definatley the best coach in the 14th region.

Cougars may be in their house but Ladycats are on their way to state!!!!
I've said all year that Breathitt would win it in the end it's always about players and Noble is the best player this side of Lexington and 1 of the top 5 or 6 in the state. When Noble wants to play the only player that can stop her is Kendall Noble. She is the smartest player to play in the 14th region in a long time. Breathitt just has to stay focus and not think its over because they beat LCC. KCC has a lot of firepower on their team and will be wanting to speed Breathitt up but Coach Moore does a really good job of controlling the tempo. I'll take Breathitt by 9 in a closer game than the score.
Thought Spencer had a good game for BC. Noble had her usual game. LCC shot horribly. Good luck tomorrow night!
Like I have stated before, Breathitt is Queen of the mountain until someone knocks them off.
That Pretty Much Sums It Up.....
I would have to agree.
Great match-up. Congrats BC
Congrats Breathitt Co.
Noble is a fantastic player.

Is she just a sophomore? Seems like she's been playing forever.

Are there a lot of colleges scouting her? I'd like to see her end up at UK if possible. I know her coach played at EKU. They will for certain be after her I would think.
Congratulations and good luck to the Lady Bobcats. Whether you win or lose, you always show class. You outplayed us last night and you deserved the win. Until someone knocks you off, you are still the queen of the 14th region. Heck, you might as well say, Queen of the Mountains as Breathitt, Knott, Letcher, and Perry could beat any of the teams left in the 15th by 20+ points.
Congrats to BC and there win! Kendall is osmething special that the 14th hasnt saw in a longtime
Nice game by the Lady Cats. Congrats on the win. LCC is young and it showed early. By the time they got going the game was over. Hopefully they will learn from this and come back stronger next year. Good luck Bobcats in the final.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Congratulations and good luck to the Lady Bobcats. Whether you win or lose, you always show class. You outplayed us last night and you deserved the win. Until someone knocks you off, you are still the queen of the 14th region. Heck, you might as well say, Queen of the Mountains as Breathitt, Knott, Letcher, and Perry could beat any of the teams left in the 15th by 20+ points.
You can add Powell to that list too. They finished the season 21-6. They lost by 65-61 to Knott, but had a couple of girls at about half speed due to stomach flu symptons, including their best player Stevie Rogers. I think if they had been healthy they would have made it to the championship game. Just an opinion.
Good luck Lady Cougars on a successful season. Shannon Bays and Brittany Sexton, you will be missed. The Lady Cougars always show class and represent their school in a positive light. You never see them show disrespect to the opposing team, the officials, and you NEVER see them be disrespectful to their coach or the LCC coaching staff. The Lady Cougars will still be in the region title hunt next year as they return three starters and all of their bench. Good luck next year and we are proud.
Who do you see filling those seniors shoes next year?
My Priorities are:
3)Cougar Athletics!

Everything else doesn't matter![/COLOR]
Congrats to the Lady Bobcats!!

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