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Idiots at the bowling alley
Not trying to be a "party pooper" but I hate it when people act like complete jack***es at the bowling alley.

My fiancee', her mother, and I went bowling in Louisville around 1:30 yesterday afternoon. I like bowling, used to bowl in leagues, and enjoy going to the older lanes. We went to an alley with the name "Fun Is Bowling" on the front and when we got there it wasn't busy at all. But about 30 minutes in, a large group of teenagers showed up. Just our luck, they got the 3 lanes right next to us.

Now, I understand that some people have no bowling etiquette at all, but it really irks me when you're in your approach and some idiot comes flying by beside you. It's the most basic of bowling etiquette that if someone is bowling next to you, you let them bowl, then you bowl.

Now, I get that some people don't know this, so whatever, I let it go.

But these kids were just acting like complete jack***es. Almost immediately when they got there, they spilled an entire pitcher of water (maybe Sprite or something clear) on the floor. Now, I don't know if you've ever stepped in something wet then tried to bowl, but it's near impossible because your feet will stick during your approach and often times cause you to trip or even fall. They did not even attempt to clean this up, and I had to go get someone at the desk to come mop it up.

Not only that, but a few times, the kids even mingled over into our lane. I would be in my approach and some kid would come flying over into my lane, screaming and jumping around, waiving his arms in celebration of his 3 pins that he knocked down. I nearly slid into them a few times.

At one point, a few of the boys even started wrestling right in front of the lane. All of which, the staff at the bowling alley just let go on like it was nothing. They were also quite foul-mouthed, which I don't mind, but the dad and his two (approx.) 5 and 7 year old daughters on the other side of us got up and left, mid-game because of it.

As they were leaving, I could see him having a few words with the guy at the desk, but nothing was done nor said to these people.

We had a TV with the Olympics on in front of our lane as well. One of the kids, I guess thought it was just perfectly fine to stand in the middle of the lane, blocking us from bowling, while he watched TV. Luckily, he didn't have more than a 30 second attention span, and moved.

The final straw for me came when I was standing there, ball in hand, getting ready for my approach. I was letting the kid next to me bowl first, but during his approach, one of his ******* friends decided it'd be funny to try and spear him during his approach. So, he's in his approach, gets tackled into me. I could see this coming, so I stuck out my forearm to block him and he fell down, his ball on the other hand, goes down MY lane, resulting in a gutterball in the 10th frame. I packed up and left after that. I had enough. When I was paying, the guy at the desk asked, "Was everything alright today?"

To which, I replied, "No, the kids next to us are acting like a bunch of idiots, spilled water all over the floor, made the people next to us leave because of their language, wrestled in the middle of the floor, stood in the middle of our lane watching TV, and even ran into me on the last frame and threw his ball down my lane."

The guy just looked at me, said nothing, and swiped my card. He literally, did not say another word, handed me my card back and we left.
Don't it make you mad that there was not one thing you could do about it because they were underage.

And yea it makes me mad too...
Amun-Ra Wrote:Don't it make you mad that there was not one thing you could do about it because they were underage.

And yea it makes me mad too...

Yeah, def. would have gone to jail, but that's beside the point. Half of these people weren't even was taking them roughly an hour or more to bowl just one game, so the alley wasn't really making that much money off of them, and in turn, they drove away two paying parties who would have liked to have bowled more...aka give them more money. Plus, I overheard them saying they were only going to bowl one game and leave. So instead of making roughly 80 or more dollars on the parties that left, the alley maybe made $40 off of these kids. Because of their actions, they just lost the alley $40+ from the parties that left.

Doesn't make sense. Put a stop to the nonsense, and you'll have more people enjoying their bowling experience, in turn, spending more money at the alley.
Honestly you shouldnt have paid!
RavenBoy Wrote:Honestly you shouldnt have paid!

THAT would be the ONLY thing they got mad about. If he hadn't paid they would have called him ------> :cop:

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