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Belfry middle school gets flooded with 8 feet of water
This is a huge blow to the school, not to mention all of cats tests were in the basement and are completly destroyed. They will have to retake all of them next week or whenever they come back to school.:HitWall: :ChairHit: I have heard from people that the board is thinking about closing school for the summer since the damage is so bad. What would you?
If I were a kid, and like you said "retake", I wouldn't be taking that stupid CATS test again, the state is doing away with it anyway.

But sure, close the school, not like Pike CO. didn't get out enough this year anyway.
This is terrible.
TheCandyManIsBack Wrote:If I were a kid, and like you said "retake", I wouldn't be taking that stupid CATS test again, the state is doing away with it anyway.

But sure, close the school, not like Pike CO. didn't get out enough this year anyway.

Well, if you must know the truth, Pike CO. DID NOT get out of school as much as other counties within the local area. It's not like they planned this flood now is it? This is an act of god and I'm sure not even YOU could do anything about it! Your comment is uncalled for as some of the families in this area are dealing with devastation and this type of nonsense (which your comment is) is totally tasteless!!!

The CATS is a stressful time for many children and I'm sure taking it over would wreck their nerves. How about YOU go to BMS or better yet, contact Pike Co. BOE and tell them you personally will retake ALL 600+ tests since you think the children are responsible for this ACT OF GOD!!!! Confusedhh:

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:Well, if you must know the truth, Pike CO. DID NOT get out of school as much as other counties within the local area. It's not like they planned this flood now is it? This is an act of god and I'm sure not even YOU could do anything about it! Your comment is uncalled for as some of the families in this area are dealing with devastation and this type of nonsense (which your comment is) is totally tasteless!!!

The CATS is a stressful time for many children and I'm sure taking it over would wreck their nerves. How about YOU go to BMS or better yet, contact Pike Co. BOE and tell them you personally will retake ALL 600+ tests since you think the children are responsible for this ACT OF GOD!!!! Confusedhh:

you go girl tell them,lol
As a student at belfry middle school, this really sucks because we wanted to be top 5 in the state for the cats test and this will for sure mess us up. To "TheCandyManIsBlack", I really dont think you know what your talking about. There were alot of familys not only around pond creek, but all over pike county and eastern kentucky that are totally devisted and last everything. Belfry high school is being used as a shelter right now.
phs1986 Wrote:Well, if you must know the truth, Pike CO. DID NOT get out of school as much as other counties within the local area. It's not like they planned this flood now is it? This is an act of god and I'm sure not even YOU could do anything about it! Your comment is uncalled for as some of the families in this area are dealing with devastation and this type of nonsense (which your comment is) is totally tasteless!!!

The CATS is a stressful time for many children and I'm sure taking it over would wreck their nerves. How about YOU go to BMS or better yet, contact Pike Co. BOE and tell them you personally will retake ALL 600+ tests since you think the children are responsible for this ACT OF GOD!!!! Confusedhh:

Are you lost here? I never said anything about the kids being the problem. All I was talking about is the CATS test and I mentioned Pike CO got out a lot this year, considering last year was considered a heavy amount of absences and this year was even more, more so that most of them were excused and this school year will end what 1 1/2 weeks earlier than last year?

I never said a thing about it being the kids problem, I was stating that the CATS test is a joke and the parents and the kids should tell the state to stick it if they try to make them take it next week (in the case they have already taken the test).

I think you need to get off of your high horse and quit being so jumpy on posters, I didn't say one mean thing and you just went berserk on me.
Pond creek nation Wrote:As a student at belfry middle school, this really sucks because we wanted to be top 5 in the state for the cats test and this will for sure mess us up. To "TheCandyManIsBlack", I really dont think you know what your talking about. There were alot of familys not only around pond creek, but all over pike county and eastern kentucky that are totally devisted and last everything. Belfry high school is being used as a shelter right now.

And you too, when did I say anything about not caring about families or I didn't care that they're devastated. Good gosh, clam yourself down too. I feel horrible for the families, I was only stating you all shouldn't take the test again in the case you have already taken it, the state is doing away with the test in a year or two anyway.
Any got any pictures of the school?
I am very sorry for everything that has happend with the floods in the area. I am really sorry to the families who lost there homes in this incindent. But I agree with CandyMan about the cats test situation. Im sure Teachers and Students hate this time of the year. I know I did when I took it.

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