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Estill Co. 3 Paintsville 2
Final from Paintsville from Saturday.
Congrats Estill Co. Who pitched?
Congrats!! Who pitched for p-ville??
I would say Freeman from Estill..
Singleton started and went 4 for Estill Co. and was replaced by Clowers in the 5th who finished the game.
Paintsville started Freshman Timmy Sublett, who gave up a HR to Freeman in the first and then pretty much shut EC down the rest the way. Zach Jackson took over in the 7th.
Congrats EC
This was a great game to watch. All pitchers performed as well as any I have seen all year.Lots of great defensive plays in this one including the game endind double play by EC when Paintsville had the bases loaded!
Nice win Estill
very good win for estill co. but good effort from the tigers...
Congrats Estill
This was a heck of a game to watch. I know we all enjoyed it up on the "knoll". Estill County is a VERY disciplined and well behaved team, hats off to them and their coaching staff.

Great effort Tigers. Got some big games this week, time to regroup after the two lacadasical (spelling) games against SC and the hard fought game with Estill.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
I did like the fact that the boys from EC sprinted on and off the field.
Great game though!

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