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Pikeville 61 - Pike Central 38
Cingrats Pikeville
This is about what I expected. Congrats Panthers!
Pike Central's coach has to be counting his days as head coach.
End of third: Pikeville 40 Pike Central 36

Panthers finished on a 21-2 run. For the game Shot 17-18 FT. 0 3's.
I agree. Hang the coach. His players have underachieved... Add him to the list of coach's PC has gotten rid of this year. Maybe he should have played his Freshmen - they probably would have given a better effort.
Panther Thunder Wrote:End of third: Pikeville 40 Pike Central 36

Panthers finished on a 21-2 run. For the game Shot 17-18 FT. 0 3's.

Thats pretty ludacris isnt it.

PC had 33 turnovers, and missed 5 uncontested shots.
pc has way underacheived, but was destined to do so from the time these seniors were freshmen. no amount of coaching, albeit they didnt have much could have prevented this. bart has his kids believing in him. pike central's kids dont believe in their coach. too many interests and no cohesion.
I am not going to be mean about this, but lets look at PC basketball. We have over 1,000 kids coming in from Johns Creek which is the LARGEST school in Pike County, we have MULLINS and KIMPER to draw from and we can't put a boys basketball team on the court that wins???? I mean, for the last 2 years Phelps High School ROLLED US in the district. I am not saying that negative towards Phelps but they are the smallest school in the county---heck I give them credit for how hard they play but we should have beat them! If fact, after last year's loss over at Phelps in the district, I lost all respect for Coach T. I was sitting behind our bench and I watched how he behaved after the game- he has going off on the Phelps Coach for no reason! HE JUST GOT BEAT---AGAIN!!!! I don't think he is the right fit for a once excellent program under a classy guy---David Rowe. I mean, we just lost a heck of a football in the world does this guy still have his job! I know coaches stay on RIVALS, so coach Thompson, if you have any respect for our program-pleaze step down and turn the program over to someone who has a clue and some class-cause you don't!
Do not know Mr. Thompson, but it can not all be the coaching. I am sure he must know quite a bit about the game. Sounds like everyone has just turned against him. He is now out there all alone. That is no way to leave anyone...
There in no leadership on or off the court for this PCC team. No respect for the coaching staff or players. PCC does not play team ball everyone wants to be the hero and there are none on this team. If they would come together as a team they could possibly win some games. Several times in this and other games certain players would rather turn the ball over than to give it up. Guys an assist is just as good as scoring yourself. If you have 2-3 on you that means someone is open...pass the ball. PCC had way too many turn overs and the majority is because of selfishness. These kids know how to play the game and are so desperate for leadership off the court that it has torn them apart. It is ashamed that the so called Leaders of the school has let it get to this point and still have not done anything to resolve the problem. These kids / school deserves better. It is already late so DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Panthers
If...Then Wrote:Thats pretty ludacris isnt it.

PC had 33 turnovers, and missed 5 uncontested shots.

Ludacris is a rapper.

See ludicrous here:
i thought this would be closer congrats pikeville
The PC B-Ball team seems to have a lot of problems and most people seem to blame the coach. But let's take a good look at this school and see what is really going on!! Someone stated that the players did not respect their Coach and I believe this is correct, but these guys do not respect anyone! This is common for Pike Central. Just ask their teachers!! This school needs some strong leadership to get it back on track and at the present time that leadership is not there. The school is being run by threatening and intimidation and decisions are being made by playing politics (the Central Office should have too much to do and should not have time to run this school but somehow they find time). The football coach was run off, and I have been told that the baseball, softball, soccer, and volleyball coaches have all resigned. WHY? The answer is - there is a complete lack of support. You are out there on a limb and the people in power are just waiting to cut that limb. Parents, it is time to start asking some tough questions. Ask your kids how many pep rallys they have had this school year. Ask your kids what organizations they have at their school and how many times they have met with these clubs this year (the answer is 0). Kids are bored with school because all they do is go to class and hear about the CATS test. School should be a place for kids to not only grow intellectually, but also socially and mentally. School should be a happy place and kids should want to go! Some of you stated that the Football Coach was a good person and a good coach and did not deserve to get the ax. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? Relatives and friends have also been intimidated and threatened and told not to take sides if they want to keep their jobs. Pike Central is being used as a pay back for the last Board race. So when the B-Ball Coaching position has been promised as a political move you can bet that some people will do everything in their power to make sure that the present Coach does not succeed. They will even go as far as turning these kids against their Coach. To these people, kids are not important!! Pike Central is not the same today as it was two or even three years ago. The kids are different and the people working there are not getting the support that they need in order to make a difference in the lives of these kids. Until the parents and the leaders of the community step up and take an interest in their school, Pike Central will continue on its present downward path.
Former-Coach Wrote:The PC B-Ball team seems to have a lot of problems and most people seem to blame the coach. But let's take a good look at this school and see what is really going on!! Someone stated that the players did not respect their Coach and I believe this is correct, but these guys do not respect anyone! This is common for Pike Central. Just ask their teachers!! This school needs some strong leadership to get it back on track and at the present time that leadership is not there. The school is being run by threatening and intimidation and decisions are being made by playing politics (the Central Office should have too much to do and should not have time to run this school but somehow they find time). The football coach was run off, and I have been told that the baseball, softball, soccer, and volleyball coaches have all resigned. WHY? The answer is - there is a complete lack of support. You are out there on a limb and the people in power are just waiting to cut that limb. Parents, it is time to start asking some tough questions. Ask your kids how many pep rallys they have had this school year. Ask your kids what organizations they have at their school and how many times they have met with these clubs this year (the answer is 0). Kids are bored with school because all they do is go to class and hear about the CATS test. School should be a place for kids to not only grow intellectually, but also socially and mentally. School should be a happy place and kids should want to go! Some of you stated that the Football Coach was a good person and a good coach and did not deserve to get the ax. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? Relatives and friends have also been intimidated and threatened and told not to take sides if they want to keep their jobs. Pike Central is being used as a pay back for the last Board race. So when the B-Ball Coaching position has been promised as a political move you can bet that some people will do everything in their power to make sure that the present Coach does not succeed. They will even go as far as turning these kids against their Coach. To these people, kids are not important!! Pike Central is not the same today as it was two or even three years ago. The kids are different and the people working there are not getting the support that they need in order to make a difference in the lives of these kids. Until the parents and the leaders of the community step up and take an interest in their school, Pike Central will continue on its present downward path.
I agree with you Former-Coach. The parents need to get more involved with what is going on at PCC and ask questions all kinds of questions. Unfortunately Politics plays too much of a roll in what is most important to the future of these kids. The lessons being learned / portrayed is the wrong message. Unfortunately politics is the reason the current coach is in his position. As I said administration must step in and take control of the situation and the parents / community have to make sure the right actions are taken. It makes me question if administration isn't a part of the problem you know with politic and everything.
The current coach is in his position because the former coach called him and asked him to come to PC as his assistant and then later hired him as his replacement.
Congrats Pikeville
Former-Coach Wrote:The PC B-Ball team seems to have a lot of problems and most people seem to blame the coach. But let's take a good look at this school and see what is really going on!! Someone stated that the players did not respect their Coach and I believe this is correct, but these guys do not respect anyone! This is common for Pike Central. Just ask their teachers!! This school needs some strong leadership to get it back on track and at the present time that leadership is not there. The school is being run by threatening and intimidation and decisions are being made by playing politics (the Central Office should have too much to do and should not have time to run this school but somehow they find time). The football coach was run off, and I have been told that the baseball, softball, soccer, and volleyball coaches have all resigned. WHY? The answer is - there is a complete lack of support. You are out there on a limb and the people in power are just waiting to cut that limb. Parents, it is time to start asking some tough questions. Ask your kids how many pep rallys they have had this school year. Ask your kids what organizations they have at their school and how many times they have met with these clubs this year (the answer is 0). Kids are bored with school because all they do is go to class and hear about the CATS test. School should be a place for kids to not only grow intellectually, but also socially and mentally. School should be a happy place and kids should want to go! Some of you stated that the Football Coach was a good person and a good coach and did not deserve to get the ax. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ABOUT IT? Relatives and friends have also been intimidated and threatened and told not to take sides if they want to keep their jobs. Pike Central is being used as a pay back for the last Board race. So when the B-Ball Coaching position has been promised as a political move you can bet that some people will do everything in their power to make sure that the present Coach does not succeed. They will even go as far as turning these kids against their Coach. To these people, kids are not important!! Pike Central is not the same today as it was two or even three years ago. The kids are different and the people working there are not getting the support that they need in order to make a difference in the lives of these kids. Until the parents and the leaders of the community step up and take an interest in their school, Pike Central will continue on its present downward path.

To know so much you really know very little
People I like Mark I really do but Former-Coach little that you said is correct. In this thread it is especially not correct. Yes there are alot of political pull being pressed on the athletic dept. at Pike Central and yes the lack of school spirit is pathetic. But in this instance it is a lack of coaching that has placed Mark into the situation that he is in. I like the guy and thought when he first came to Pike Central that he had a bright future but that quickly turned to a demise of the program honestly. While as an assistant the guy was fortunate to win 4 games a season as JV coach and that has followed him into the head coaching job. He still treats this team like a Lex team being from Henry Clay and all but EKY teams and CKY teams are totally diffrent and you MUST change your coaching philosophies. I have watched them play through out this season and the offense is terrible, defense has bright spots but all in all it is pitful. That team has way to much talent to be going down the road they are this season. Mark has had a short stint at PC and I do not see him furthuring it at the end of the season. As the coaching carasel continues.

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