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For those who have worked in a restaurant share your horror stories.

I worked with a group of guys who cooked at a place called Elby’s here in Ohio and they were telling some of us what they did to a guys liver after he complained.
The liver was cooked by times and the guy said it was raw.
The cooks who were really mad did the following.
They put the liver on the floor and they all stepped on it then
Then they threw in the slop bucket under the grill
followed by a few seconds in the deep fryer
then they all hockered on it before putting it back on the grill.
The man told the waitress it was the best liver he had ever eaten and gave the cook a 5 dollar tip.
That's disguisting!! Have you ever watched the movie Waiting? It's hilarious but it really makes you think before eating out lol.
This is why I never complain or send my food back at a restaurant.
uk_fan0707 Wrote:That's disguisting!! Have you ever watched the movie Waiting? It's hilarious but it really makes you think before eating out lol.
It's hilarious.
Great thread idea, BTW!!! LoL...Big Grin
This is sick! And along with CE, I never complain about my food.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Those guys that did that deserve to be drug into an alley and have the crap beat out of them.
alfus21 Wrote:Those guys that did that deserve to be drug into an alley and have the crap beat out of them.

Or the liver beat out of them!
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:Or the liver beat out of them!

This thread topic makes me think of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry wouldn't eat his food after seeing the chef leave the restroom and not wash his hands. I'm sure this happens a great deal at restaurants around Eastern Kentucky.

Went in a fast food restaurant several years ago the the guy making the Whoppers was rubbing his forehead constantly and making the burgers. Turned around and walked out. If we really knew what we were eating we probably would never eat out!!
I agree
MisterPerfect Wrote:This is sick! And along with CE, I never complain about my food.

I too never complain about my food when its messed up . Some say its being a wuss and not standing up for yourself or whats right.. I call it not wanting to have my food spit on :Thumbs: .

Not sure if this is relevant or not but, one time my mom ordered a cheese burger from mcdonalds, and when they gave it to us, it had everything on it she asked for except the meat. It was fairly funny at the time lol.
I do not want to read this.....
15th region slamdunk Wrote:I too never complain about my food when its messed up . Some say its being a wuss and not standing up for yourself or whats right.. I call it not wanting to have my food spit on :Thumbs: .

Not sure if this is relevant or not but, one time my mom ordered a cheese burger from mcdonalds, and when they gave it to us, it had everything on it she asked for except the meat. It was fairly funny at the time lol.

People can say what they want to me. There the ones complaining and getting food with foot prints on them. HaHa.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
This is nasty and funny at the same time. Because after he got his liver back after the cooks put a little extra ingredients on it. The man told the waitress it was the best liver he had ever eaten. Now that's what makes this so funny.
I have worked in a couple of restaurants and half of the people that work there are on drugs, even in the workplace. One guy I knew worked in the back of the restaurant, making ice cream, desserts, and making salads. One day while making a customers hot fudge cake I caught him sticking his finger in the fudge and licking it off with his tounge. He then stuck his finger back in the cake to get some more. He made jokes about doing worse stuff on other occasions. The cooks never washed their hands either and they made half of the stuff with their ungloved hands after smoking. Another girl I worked with used to drop rolls and biscuits on the dirty floor, pick em up with her hands and then take em out to a table. YUMMY!
At the local Taco Bell here(Buckeye Lake) a couple of the workers got caught taking a number one in I believe the meat.
Anyone else with stories like the ones posted on this thread?
worked at a resteraunt chain that sold small hamburgers (the original chain)......guy came in who screwed some of us over at another business.......we spit in his onion rings, grabbed old hamburgers sitting in the back to be frozen, heated them up and placed them in the bag.....we didn't bother his drink though..
I worked at a steak house when i was in school. We had river rats in the storage area where the dry goods where kept. I had went back to get a box of potatoes once & pointed out to the manager that the rats had been eating on them. He had us just cut off the spots of the potato the rats had eaten on & still bake them & serve them to customers.
Several times i have seen cooks drop a steak on the floor some before being cooked & some after being cooked & still send them out to customers.
I have seen dish washers have dishes come out of the dish washer with food still on them & just take there apron & wipe it off & put it with the clean plates.
I worked at a Wendy's in Pickerington, Ohio and had to work nights because of my full time jib, at the time took up all my daytime hours.

One night while working this druk group came through the drive thru and was giving the high school girl working there a very hard time making her cry. Well her classmate and good friend was working sandwiches and he hocker on 5 of the 6 sandwiches and said one person will not pay the price for them making her cry tonight.
^I worked at a combined restaurant once (two restaurants in one building, most people were trained to work at both). I have been tempted to do terrible things to peoples food, but never did. I also never witness it. I worked at that/those places for 4.5 years, off and on. 3 years of that was consecutive. 1.5 years of it was off and on, while I was in my Sophomore and Junior year of college.

I will say this, while I do not condone anything like peeing, spitting or pooping in someones food. (We are talking potential sickness being directly caused by the perpetrator, possibly death! Cannot mess around with that.) I understand the want to do something like that.

In the 4.5 years that I worked at a combined restaurant (essentially working two places at once, can get very tired, and furthermore VERY annoyed with intolerable customers.) I had a lot of great loyal customers that could really brighten your day. On the other hand, there were people that could make your day miserable, and it could get to the point where their presence made you uneasy.

What I often did was when someone came in that I KNEW was going to make a scene or complain, I just told the crew that if they said one word out of line or did anything to displease you, ask them to leave and if they chose not to, just make sure their food took forever to get done. Looking back, I wish that I could take it back and have just turned the proverbial cheek, but I didn't.

One time I even threw a pizza at a lady. If anyone knows where that thread is, feel free to dig it up. That story was for the old donating members thread.
The place I mentioned before I worked at while I was in school. That was the only time we did anything to anyone's food. However, during the grave yard shift, some crazy things happened....I have plenty of stories to tell...

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