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Powell What Should We Do?
P.C.Defense Wrote:Quit the high school basketball team to go play JAMS? Some of you guys played football and this really surprises me. :confused:

Coach you wudnt be surprized if you knew the story, these boys were done very wrong, very.
TRUBLX3 Wrote:Sounds like you should quit crying and blaming other people, I've heard from people in the 14th that Powell has a history of bad discipline and lack of heart. If you want to make a difference, suck it up and play, its always easier to deflect blame and have mom a dad tell you should be in the NBA!

That has been the case over the last couple of years, given the fact that they've had lots of talent but still suffered due to attitudes. This year's team has or had talent but had the same issues. I'm not trying to bash on Powell Co. in no way, but it sounds like the coach is trying to straighten a few young men out. Take a look at BCG, Harrelson to me deserves to be the fifth or sixth man off the bench for UK but doesn't see much action due to his lack of effort in practice, Coach Hall is just trying to do the same, if you don't want to play his way, you're not going to play. It will be hard at first, but once the kids buy in you will start winning games again, and you won't be discussed by the opposing teams fans after every game for having the worst attitudes and sportsmanship in the 14th region, again no bashing, I would just like to see the situation improve in Powell Co. Coach Whitaker has changed the attitudes of the players of the football team, yeah it was through different action, but win or lose I can now say I respect Powell Co. football because they don't have the same unsportsmanship characteristics they've had in the past, let the man do his job.
I attended the Hazard-PC game this past Friday and although we did beat them soundly, there were some bright spots on Powell's team. For one, the Reed kid put up five 3 point shots late in the game and it seems he has some real talent. Also, there was another boy (Arvan, I believe) who played very well. Powell has some developing talent, and it is important for the fans to support the coach and give him time to establish his system and get the players familiar with his style. Powell will make a nice comeback in the next few years if the fans will only be patient,
Powell County needs some rebounding training; We are not hitting the boards.
powellpirates08 Wrote:THEONLYONE..... SHUT UP.... your post get old, my god. you say the dumbest things about the coach. i mean your not coach K. so untill you are stop the negatives.... no wonder poco is in a bad year. people need to grow up and learn that NO MATTER WHAT you post on BGR its not gonna make any difference. im pretty sure typing up a few things on the computer aint gonna make the team better.... Thats my opinion. THEONLYONE youve gotta learn that at some point in your life youve gotta face the facts and learn that you dont know everything

I have a about you THEONLYONE ( who only types in Caps and has HORRIBLE grammar) apply for the coaching job. You have all the answers and let's see if you can make this team a sweet sixteen finalist! Haven't you heard that those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Your kid is playing all the freakin' time, so what's your complaint. Can't handle losing? Well, Sister, that's life. Sadly, it always can't go your way or your child's way. Part of being a mature individual is learning how to deal with diversity and hardships. Your kid has a rough road ahead if you don't start teaching him to respect people and roll with the punches. TongueirateSho
I think if a couple of guards would not hog the ball and pass it to number 45 we could get some more points. Number 45 shows a lot more potential than he is allowed to do.
sneaksnake Wrote:I think if a couple of guards would not hog the ball and pass it to number 45 we could get some more points. Number 45 shows a lot more potential than he is allowed to do.

Parent or Player? Sounds like a player to me.
I have played and coached in the 14th region off and on for years. I always said my dream job in the 14th would be Powell Co. I obviously don't know the entire situation with parents, administration and things of that nature, but I still believe that a school the size of Powell I could find 5 boys that could compete with anyone in this region. For some reason I have to believe that. I know Coach Hall and I know he is trying to do what is best i'm sure, but people can't get on here and tell me that there isn't talent in Powell Co. I've been around to long and know better. I was actually talking about this job yesterday with some of my buddies. If this job comes open at the end of the season you can bet your bottom dollar that my resume will be in. Not only is Powell a big school it's in one of the best locations in the 14th while your only 45 minutes from Lex 30 from Clark and 20 from Mt. Sterling.

Like I said I know Coach Hall, but I don't know his system or his philosophy on basketball but after losing 20 straight I would start doing some things different. The best thing fans can do at this point is get behind the boys and coaching staff and try to beat Owsley on the 16th and get the 3 seed then focus on trying to upset Estill and make it to the region. It's getting close to tournament time and trust me, crazy things can happen.
Heard Creech Is Out For The Season. Knee Injury. He Got Hurt At The Magoffin County Game.

Thats that Powell County mentality. I am a successful retired coach. This is not from the player or parent.
Creech is out for the season, very tough blow for Powell, things just keep getting worse for them. Hang in there guys.
JOBAKKA Wrote:A bunch of whiners and quitters. Now that he has got rid of them the program will move forward.

I agree. Powell should be congratulating their coach for running off the types of people he has. Powell should be congratulation their coach for teaching principal over basketball. Instead, Powell wants to tar and feather him for not winning games. We do keep score in basketball, but all the talent in the world won't win you games if you have selfish individuals who make up that team. Well done Powell Co. coach...wins will come....
Hall is a good man

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