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Going Vegan
-I have come across some things lately that have really disturbed me. I have always tried to eat somewhat healthy and that includes eating meat. But my thoughts have drastically changed! and fast! I won't go into detail, but I wish everyone could read the book I am reading....

Anyone here a vegetarian? Do you think it will be difficult to find vegan meals because there's not really a demand for them in Eastern KY?
So what is your problem with meat?

I knew a few girls who used to like meat, but now they don't. They are still cool though.
My problem is with what is in the meat and how they treat the animals.

You can buy meat that doesn't come from feedlot animals. It is more expensive, but it is also healther.
Beetle01 Wrote:You can buy meat that doesn't come from feedlot animals. It is more expensive, but it is also healther.

Good point...thanks for the link.
Thanks! I'll look into it.
I have never seen a healthy vegetarian...
Going vegan???

Vegan is extremely hard because you are giving up all products made from animals which includes soaps and A LOOOOT of other things from my understanding.

Vegetarian however is different. The vegetarians that I know gained a lot of weight because all they eat is cheese and bread products.

There is a wrong way to do it and a right way to do it. Starting out vegetarian and going vegan later on seems to be what a lot of people do and would be an easier process. There are plenty of ways to eat vegetarian though and be healthy.

I can't give you any advice because I barely eat any vegetables, therefore I would starve if it wasn't for meat.

I could not live without eating meat. Don't make yourself suffer like that...
Meaty Wrote:I could not live without eating meat.

Obviously, its your username.Big Grin Big Grin
Vegan or vegetarian none of them look healthy...
I know several vegetarians and they do it fairly easy. I would not go vegan if I were you. If you decide to go vegetarian you def. need to get a lot of vitamins to make sure everything stays where it need to especially Iron since you are a lady
yeah, vegan would be extremely hard. I meant just vegetarian (for now). I'm reading up on it and you can be extremely healthy w/o meat. You just gotta do it right.
I love it when people go vegan it just means more meat for the rest of us LOL!Wink

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