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My car broke down last night...
I was on my way home from band practice in Versailles and I kept getting bright-lighted by a car on KY-1980. I checked all of my lights and they were working so I don't know what he was bright-lighting me about.

I get to the intersection of KY-1980 and Tates Creek Rd. and push down the clutch and put the car in neutral. The clutch doesn't come back up or disengage. I try shifting into first but it doesn't work.

So I put on the emergency blinkers and get to the side of the road. I turned off the car and it shifted into first, but the clutch was still stuck down and would not return to it's normal position. But when I turned the car off, it let me switch gears, put it in nuetral, etc. :confused:

I knew there was a gas station about a mile away so I drove it in first to the nearest gas station, but it was closed. At this point I got out and checked all my fluids and everything was okay. I checked to see if something was jamming the clutch, but couldn't see any problems. I was on back roads the whole time, so I attempted to drive my car closer to Richmond in 2nd gear. So I put the car in neutral, start the engine and back up. When I turned the car off and tried to put it in 1st, it wouldn't go. Now, I can't get the thing to shift into any gear and it's stuck in reverse. So I turn the car off and leave it parked. Got a ride back to Richmond and I'm stuck having to tow it first thing in the morning and get it serviced.

Still don't know what's wrong with it.
Sounded like a night from ****! I have had many of those days with my old Nissan Pathfinder!
Sounds like the clutch went out or one of the gears in the transmission went out and is causing it to not be able to shift. If it is a new veh it may have something built in to not allow it to shift to keep from causing more damage.
That sucks. I feel for you. I have had those kind of days!
The shop said that it sounded like the hydraulics were out in my clutch. Some problem with the plates in the clutch.

IDK, he said they get this problem quite a bit with Jeeps.

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