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Couldn't God have used evolution?
This thread has been closed due to the following rule violations:

Posting false or incorrect information will not be tolerated. If you are unaware of something such as a score or any information regarding a certain topic, then do not post it until sure. False threads and posts will be deleted and you will be warned.

Post padding will not be tolerated. Topics are there for your view pleasure but you are not required to post something in every one that you open. If you have no real opinion or knowledge on a subject, please move on to another one.

This thread is also being closed for “spamming.” Here is why:
When you create these threads and put the links to the other sites in them, you are essentially promoting these other sites. Since you have posted the links they are now searchable through Google and in essence you are using the server space of this site to promote these other sites, which we will no longer tolerate. This is BluegrassRivals, not and we are not paying for server space to promote any of the sites that you are consistently linking to.

Please refrain from posting these type of threads in the future or alternative action will be taken in the form of suspension or ban. No one wants to read a book from some other website, if they wanted to, by now they would have gone to the site.

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