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Belfry 20 Allen Central 10 (in 6 innings)
Did the Crowder boys play in this one for A.C.?
I do know that they both said that they quit after losing the P-Burg game that they resumed on Sat. morning.
Good ??
I was wondering the same thing. I was curious to see what kind of "BACKBONE" A.C.'s coach had after telling them that who ever didn't come out to shake hands with P-Burg were OFF the team. And, guess what, Neither of the Crowder Twins Did That and, both said that they quit. I guess we'll see!
Never Really Recall the boys using the terms "I Quit" But they did walk out of the dugout while the Rebels were shaking hands. Later That Day, at the Belfry Game Logan and Hunter both were present and were told they would have to sit out a game, Hunter stayed and got his game over with and Logan went home. But at Practice today both was there. I believe that the Crowders were more frustrated than anything along with the rest of the AC team, I mean really,how bad does it feel to lose to one of your biggest rivals especially by 1 run in the last inning. It Hurts Bad. But as for the rumor that the Crowders quit is completly false. Both are tremendous atheletes and have more love for the game than to just go out like that.
These boys have been throwing hissy fits ever since they were little. If i was coach they definitely wouldn't be on my team. They have bad attitudes. I would never yell at my coach ever. That's just something you don't do.
It just goes to show you how "bush" some teams in the 15th can be.
Congrats Belfry

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