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New Coach At June Buchanan?
SecretAgent Wrote:I hate to see them leave..but would love to see Clint come the Paintsville....goodness can you inagine if both of the Stepps would have came and tansferred to paintsville...LOL...LOL!!! Just a thought ....probably a little far-stretched though!!!Cool
Landon Slone would have loved that. Smile Everybody at JBS wish they hadSmile Smile and took the coaches with them They had ONE point between them in the first half of the only district game JBS got to play of course they shot plenty of shots, just didn't hit 'em
Who cares they are done.
3 points Wrote:Landon Slone would have loved that. Smile Everybody at JBS wish they hadSmile Smile and took the coaches with them They had ONE point between them in the first half of the only district game JBS got to play of course they shot plenty of shots, just didn't hit 'em
In all honesty if they had went to Paintsville then SV would have went to state and so would have JBS...
I think that this thread is heading no where because I dont think they will even have a team next year so I think a coach is their least problem...
I say they will if they get someone in there that cares about the school.
RavenBoy Wrote:I say they will if they get someone in there that cares about the school.
If Joe does not get replaced you wont have anyone who cares about the school because Joe has showed that he only cares about his own personal goals. I hope not but I think it is too late to save the school and I dont mean just the basketball program. Joe has brought the whole thing down because of this selfishness. The academics is really suffering also and the school has not even named a principal yet so no one is really even over the school.
uk96 Wrote:If Joe does not get replaced you wont have anyone who cares about the school because Joe has showed that he only cares about his own personal goals. I hope not but I think it is too late to save the school and I dont mean just the basketball program. Joe has brought the whole thing down because of this selfishness. The academics is really suffering also and the school has not even named a principal yet so no one is really even over the school.

You are 100% Correct
uk96 Wrote:If Joe does not get replaced you wont have anyone who cares about the school because Joe has showed that he only cares about his own personal goals. I hope not but I think it is too late to save the school and I dont mean just the basketball program. Joe has brought the whole thing down because of this selfishness. The academics is really suffering also and the school has not even named a principal yet so no one is really even over the school.

you seem to know so much, maybe you should take over.
bluegrass15 Wrote:you seem to know so much, maybe you should take over.
You must be a Stepp!!!
uk96 Wrote:In all honesty if they had went to Paintsville then SV would have went to state and so would have JBS...
This is so true, I can just see the CS"s taking the ball away from Landon. Playing with them is like playing against 2 teams at the same time, Youi have to fight to get your hands on the ball, when your team has it.
Will JBS even have a team next year? It has already been said it was in the newspapers that Clint is going to transfer. If JBS does not field a team, then Clint would be eligible where ever he went to school at. If they do, it will be up to the KHSAA if he can play next year or not. I wouldnt be surprised if they just stopped having a boys basketball team to make sure he would be able to play somewhere else. It sounds like on here that if they do have a team they wouldnt be competing for any titles.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It is the size of the fight in the dog.
Imagine how the kids feel there. It's sort of like a trap. You can't leave and be eligible the next year unless you move or sit out a year, but if you play next year... teams will drill JBS as hard as they can for payback. Who wants to play for a team like that? Everyone knows how it will be. Hopefully, there will be no team, and everyone gets eligible.
well you got some players that dont care and just want to put a uniform on.
Evidently they are still having a team because they are filling their schedule out. I don't know all of the events that are taking place there nor do I want to speculate, however if the school is in existence then they should have several players back that want to play. I realize that some graduated and some transfer to other schools which they have every right to do but I don't think they lost everyone from next year.
They will have players but not a team.
RavenBoy Wrote:They will have players but not a team.
So they are going to have a schedule and not play?
Wyatt Earp Wrote:So they are going to have a schedule and not play?
No, what I meant was they will have players out there but they wont play as a team, same as in the past.
I can one day see Clark and Clint coaching this outfit.
RavenBoy Wrote:No, what I meant was they will have players out there but they wont play as a team, same as in the past.
I heard a very funny thing today, I thought Jim was the smarter of the two coaches, but he said JBS had a 25 point better team after Cox was injured and couldn't play. Wonder why they always started him? Wonder why they lost so any games while he was out?Maybe Jim was upset over the MVP thing and the Whitaker Bank Shot in the WYMT. Cox should have left after the 8th grade and not hindered those great coaches. BEWARE BALL PLAYERS . Don't get stuck at JBS, you will only get used ans abused.

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