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If you had..
If you could ask 3 questions and get 3 100% accurate answers, what would you ask?
1) How I will die?
2) Who loves me?
3) When are my parents getting divorced?
you will never die, for you are immortal.

i love you.

your parents will never get divorced but someone named lisa will move it shortly.
1.) Mr. Sturgill said I was god.

2.) Thanks babeh :mrgreen:

3.) I have 2 mommies and my dad HAS to know, they always fight, and they say when I graduate my dad is leaving. I wish they wouldn't wait, it wouldn't effect me any.

get on msn. 8)
When will I have a kid?
Who will the mommy be?
When will I get married?
i cant get on msn, i have to go and wash dishes. i will call you in a minute though.

you cant be god, im god.

you're welcome.

that is hilarious!
awww you ALWAYS laugh at that. it's so wierd! :x
that is cool that those are your concerns blackcat. i was expected something more well, not along those lines. that is nice though.
Sorry blackcat, I'll answer for you. I think thetribe left?

When will I have a kid?
Your girlfriend will give birth to your son on February 2nd, 2011.

Who will the mommy be?

The mother is a 5'7" tall brunette with green eyes, who will graduate from Ohio State University. She is 18 years old in the year 2005.

When will I get married?
You will get married on February 17th, 2011.

EDIT:Ack, she didn't leave! She didn't answer you either though, but I didn't know she responded! It takes so long to read someone's future when all I can get is the fingerprints from the keyboard they type on and can't read their hands!
LOL. Well I'm pretty concerned about some things right now not worth mentioning. But I can't let them out of the bag. :|
hmmmmmmmmmmm now you leaving me hanging blackcat. :x

i hate it when people do this. lol :?
Is it worth while or worth wild?

Will I ever get a day off work?

Will that rash go away?
Worth while.

You not have to work on June 29th.

:lol: Yes, but only if you use the proper ointment and in the way that the doctor has already instructed you to.
great thread.. im gonna think on some questions
thank you and please do, i am joking around with some fake answers but that is to just have some more good things for conversation in here. i loving playing around with people so i may come up with some fake answers to your questions too.
1.] Will I die prematurely?

2.] What career would I be best at doing and enjoy at the same time?

3.] If I have children, would there be anything that I would need to know to reconsider having one?

I know some people might read this and think, why on earth would you ask that so let me explain my reasoning.

Growing up I have always had this feeling that I was going to die young. Right now, I am 17 years old and I will start driving alot on my own soon and stuff and well I have just always thought that I would honestly die prematurely, like at a young age. At one point I actually told some of my friends that I was scared that I wouldn't make it to my 17th birthday, and now that I am 17 I worry that I might die in a car accident.

I want to know which job that I would do good at and still enjoy because I want to be doing something to help someone. By being a forensic scientist I could help bring justice to some people's families by helping find the person that killed their child. I want to know though that I would enjoy having that career so by the person with all the answers telling me which job to go into then I could start preparing myself for it and taking the classes that I would need to help other people and be happy myself.

Last, I know that it sounds bad when you first read it but I would want to know that if I got pregnant and had a baby if anything would be wrong with it. I am not doing this because I would not want the kid or love it less if something were to be wrong, I am asking this to benefit the child. If I knew that I would have a child with a mental or physical handicap, then I would probably adopt a kid to save mine from having to grow up like that and live a life differently than others. I would want to save it from other people treating it differently.

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