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Impeachment Articles to Be Filed Against Donald John Trump
Texas Congressman, Rep. Al Green,  announced Wednesday in a speech on the House floor that he plans on filing articles of impeachment against the orange dictator for his proposal to "take over Gaza," an action that Green calls a "dastardly deed," amounting to ethnic cleansing.

While this impeachment attempt won't gain much traction at this time, it is, at least, a sign that patriotic Democrats are finding their voices. I say, speak up loudly, Democrats, and stand in the way of the Mango Mussolini having any success in silencing our democratic freedoms and ideals.  Prevent this tyrant , by any means possible, from succeeding in his insidious plan of destroying America.

American Patriots, "Let's Stay Together," and fight this evil Orange Menace until it's destroyed.

All Green is a nut job. Biden is more likely to be impeached than Trump.
There is nothing patriotic about filing Articles of Impeachment against a president who has been in office for less than three weeks who has committed no impeachable offenses ever. There was nothing patriotic about Democrats' pathetic, cowardly attempt to prevent Donald Trump from running for president again by two unfounded impeachments and a vast bogus lawfare campaign.

President Trump has put this nation back on the right path and his growing job approval numbers prove how much difference the right man in the right position can still make in this country. President Trump was born to return sanity to the federal government.

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