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Steroids vs Pete Rose
Several times
Pete Rose's name came up as to why he was dealt with so quickly where it has taken 15 years for baseball to look at steriods
Personaly I think the pete rose thing is a bunch of crap.. There are bigger things in pro sports that need to be taked care of
The steroid rule give you 5 strikes
gambling one

the committee kept asking how something illegal gets so many chances and a something legal gets one
i think its about time to let the greatest hitter of all time be in the hall of fame for his on field achievements, he made a mistake, get over it!
will all these other guys be inducted into the hall of fame?
I agree with everyone here, let Johnny Hustle in.
Its a shame. Pete Rose makes one mistake and he is banned for life, yet people can use steriods and still play. Terrible.
well dont start cryin aint that terrible, baseball is terrible ne way
"VonWafer_FSU" Wrote:well dont start cryin aint that terrible, baseball is terrible ne way

Im not crying. Im just digusted by baseball. They never handle things the right way.
just face it, if baseball didnt have the red sox and the yankees, no one would watch the game cuz its terrible
dont forget the cubs...the loveable losers lol
Actually I hardly ever watch the Yanks or the Sox, I would watch baseball even if they werent teams. Baseball just doesnt handle issues well but the new drug testing policy is a step in the right direction.
it is BS!
rose gets banned fo rlife for dooin something legal here in the US
these guys are doin illegal drugs and they get a slap on the wrist....
seems fair to
i agree with Vega
Pete should be in the HOF
everyone knows that!
well he should be, but he wont ever be in there

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