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What are some habits that you have and would like to get rid of?

One of mine is that Im bossy and another would be that I sometimes bite my fingernails...
I can't really think of any habits I would like to get rid of off hand. Maybe not rent somany movies from Blockbuster, I seriously go there once a day.
I bite my nails.. I smoke. I drive to fast. and I have a tendency to screw up relationships.
I pop my fingers ALL the time...I wish I didn't do that as much.
i bite my nails....i tried to stop and its so hard..and i drive fast, thats about it.....ive never smoked in my life and never will i think its so nasty, im gonna go with cali also, i pop my nuckles constantly
Sounds like we all have some really NICE habits {being SARCASTIC}
O yea for shore BGG lol
biting my nails and shakin my legs all the time
shakin legs, knuckle poppin, tobacco user, finger-nail biting, that is about it
knuckle, neck, back popping, drumming my fingers, and tapping my feet.
Shaking my legs,bite-ing my nail and i drive TO FAST
I think my bad habits need to remain my secret for now.. but I do pop my knuckles and cuss a little to much sometimes. But what about the habits we have that we really dont know we have? I for example, I always start walking with my left foot first, never start off with the right one. But I think that comes from back many moons ago when I was in the Marines. But still catch myself doing it. I think I will stand and try to force myself to walk right foot first... LOL
I dunno what habbits I have.....Driving too fast isn't something that bothers me or something I want to quit (Plus I don't think that I drive that fast).

Not sure what I would really like to stop.....hmmmmmm
What is all this leg shaking
I was wondering the same thing.....guess when someone is just sitting and has their knee moving up and down a lot?
I bite my fingernails when i get nervous... and I always have to have something in my hand..
I am like most other people and my biggest habit is biting my nails, as a matter of fact i am doing in as i type almost i dont just do it when i am neverous (even tho i relaly do then) but i do it just whenever i am bored and i dont know why...also ill always find myself humming or singing a song, jsut something i liek to do when i am bored i guess!
bessie Wrote:I bite my fingernails when i get nervous... and I always have to have something in my hand..

Do you eat a lot or smoke? lol...
BlueGrassGirl Wrote:
bessie Wrote:I bite my fingernails when i get nervous... and I always have to have something in my hand..

Do you eat a lot or smoke? lol...

hah actually i dont do either. its odd but i just always have to have somethin in my hand.
Biting fingernails.
hungarian women
use of foul language
striking people with large joints of pipe
Some I have ceased
However I am In My PRIME!!!!
Biting my fingernails and popping my fingers

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